Country Code and Name ISO2 ISO3 Country Code Country Name English Country Fullname EnglishCountry Abbrevation 4 472 8 12 16 20 24 660 10 28 899 32 51 533 36 40 31 44 48 50 52 112 56 58 84 204 60 64 68 70 72 74 80 86 92 76 96 100 837 854 108 471 116 120 124 132 129 ...
Country Code and Name ISO2 ISO3 下载积分:100 内容提示: Country Code Country Name English Country Fullname EnglishCountry Abbrevation447281216202466010288993251533364031444850521125658842046064687072748086927696100837854108471116120124132129136140148152Afghanistan Afghanistan AfghanistanAfrica CAMEU region, nes Africa CAMEU ...
修饰符和类型方法和描述 static CountryIsoCode fromString(String code) 基于指定的代码创建或查找国家/地区Iso代码。 static java.util.Collection<CountryIsoCode> values() 方法继承自 ExpandableStringEnum<T>fromString <T>values equals hashCode toString withNameValue 方法继承自 java.lang.Objectjava.lang....
public static final CountryIsoCode BELIZE BENIN public static final CountryIsoCode BENIN BERMUDA public static final CountryIsoCode BERMUDA BHUTAN public static final CountryIsoCode BHUTAN BOLIVIA public static final CountryIsoCode BOLIVIA BOSNIA_AND_HERZEGOVINA public static final CountryIsoCode...
public static final CountryIsoCode BELIZE BENIN public static final CountryIsoCode BENIN BERMUDA public static final CountryIsoCode BERMUDA BHUTAN public static final CountryIsoCode BHUTAN BOLIVIA public static final CountryIsoCode BOLIVIA BOSNIA_AND_HERZEGOVINA public static final CountryIsoCode BOSNIA_AND...
public static final CountryIsoCode BELIZE BENIN public static final CountryIsoCode BENIN BERMUDA public static final CountryIsoCode BERMUDA BHUTAN public static final CountryIsoCode BHUTAN BOLIVIA public static final CountryIsoCode BOLIVIA BOSNIA_AND_HERZEGOVINA public static final CountryIsoCode BOSNIA_AND...
Returns the country name corresponding to the passed iso code (3 letter, 2 letter or numeric).Andy South
and corrected where necessary before it was saved as a CSV file. The original country names from the reports were kept in the final datafile as the “Original_country_name_in_FUBC_report” parameter (Tables2,3). The “Country” and “ISO3_code” parameter information included the names ...
The 2-letter country ISO code (ISO-3166-2) is more widely used, particularly with regards to the country's top-level domain (ccTLD). However, the 3-letter country ISO code (ISO-3166-3) gives a better visual between the ISO code and the actual country name.Continent Code - The ...