France Map and information Portugal Map and information Country Blank Maps Australia Blank Map Brazil Blank Map Canada Blank Map Germany Blank Map Ireland Blank Map United States Blank Map Country Ouline Maps Argentina Outline Map China Outline Map ...
Australia 中国大陆 Hong Kong 香港 Indonesia 日本 대한민국 澳門 Malaysia New Zealand Philippines Singapore 台灣 ไทย Việt Nam Europe Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus België Belgique България Česko Danmark Deutschland Eesti ...
A map of Australia 一张澳大利亚地图课本第28页Miss Zhang: 'Look a(t) this map. 'Wha(t) country is it?张老师:看这张地图。它是什么国家?Li Ming: It's 'Australia!李明:它是澳大利亚!Miss Zhang: Do you 'know the capital city of Australia, Li Ming?张老师:你知道澳大利亚的首都城市吗,李明?
Countries Map by Alphabetically Abkhazia Map Afghanistan Map Aland Islands Map Albania Map Algeria Map Andorra Map Angola Map Anguilla Map Argentina Map Armenia Map Aruba Map Australia Map Austria Map Azerbaijan Map Bahamas Map Bahrain Map Bangladesh Map ...
In Oceania, Australia (10th) and New Zealand (11th), happiness dispersion mirrors the U.S., Canada, and the Nordics, in that the old are much happier than the young. The world’s second largest continent, Africa, accounts for nine of the bottom 10 least happiest countries in the world...
Australia / English Azerbaijan / Azeri Bangladesh / English Cambodia / English Hong Kong, China / 繁體中文 Kazakhstan / Pусский Kazakhstan / Қазақша Mongolia / Mонгол Myanmar / Burmese New Zealand / English Singapore / English South Korea / 한국...
Click to load the map General Information About Australia Education The inhabitants attendschoolfor 16 years (tertiary education included). This nation has a number of interestinguniversities, including University of Melbourne, University of Sydney, University of Queensland, University of New South Wales...
public static final CountryIsoCode AUSTRALIA Country ISO code AU.AUSTRIA public static final CountryIsoCode AUSTRIA Country ISO code AT.AZERBAIJAN public static final CountryIsoCode AZERBAIJAN Country ISO code AZ.BAHAMAS public static final CountryIsoCode BAHAMAS Country ISO code BS.BAHRAIN...
public static final CountryIsoCode AUSTRALIA Country ISO code AU.AUSTRIA public static final CountryIsoCode AUSTRIA Country ISO code AT.AZERBAIJAN public static final CountryIsoCode AZERBAIJAN Country ISO code AZ.BAHAMAS public static final CountryIsoCode BAHAMAS Country ISO code BS.BAHRAIN...
Anne is from Australia. 安娜来自澳大利亚。 Jenny and Danny are from Canada. 詹妮和丹尼来自加拿大。 Brian is from the U.K. 布莱恩来自英国。 Jeff is from the U.S. 杰夫来自美国。 2.A map of the world 一张世界地图 Hi, Wang Hong! Here is a map of the world. 嗨,王红!这有一...