CountriesDateDebt (%GDP) United States [+]2023118.73% United Kingdom [+]202399.97% France [+]2023109.90% Spain [+]2023105.10% Italy [+]2023134.80% Portugal [+]202397.90% Government debt is the total financial obligations incurred by the government of a nation. Also is known as public debt, ...
Of all the countries that comprise the United Kingdom, England had by far the highest gross domestic product in 2022 at over 1.95 trillion British pounds. In this year, Scotland's GDP amounted to over 166.6 billion pounds, with the size of the Welsh economy being around 76.5 billion pounds...
Evolution: GDP per capita Basque Country DateGDP per capita GDP P.C. Annual Growth 2022 $37,655 -2.7% 2021 $38,695 11.4% 2020 $34,746 -8.3% 2019 $37,881 -2.9% 2018 $39,001 7.6% 2017 $36,251 5.8% 2016 $34,277 2.8% 2015 $33,339 -13.4% 2014 $38,495 1.9% 2013 $37,796...
Honduras, El Salvador, and Nicaragua were the most likely receivers of remittances in Latin America in 2023, with GDP shares being nearly 10 times than in Brazil. This is according to a calculation that looks at the share of remittance inflow in the GDP of several countries, territories, ...
GDP/C should be in Sethland dollars. Mendel Group Inhabitant of a Solar System Posts:1751 Joined:07 Apr 2024, 05:18 Location:You are talking to me, why can't you see me? Plugins:ShowcaseStore Contact: Contact Mendel Group Re: Make a states/districts/divisions list for you country. ...
GDP Government debt Expenditure (M.€) GradeMoody'sS&PFitch PrimeAaaAAAAAA High gradeAa1AA+AA+ Aa2AAAA Aa3AA-AA- Upper medium gradeA1A+A+ A2AA A3A-A- Lower medium gradeBaa1BBB+BBB+ Baa2BBBBBB Baa3BBB-BBB- Non-investment grade ...
While there are nearly 8 billion people in the world, just over 3,000 are billionaires as of November 2022. This tiny group of people is worth nearly $11.8 trillion—Equivalent to about 11.8% of global GDP. Where do these billionaires live? This graphic by Truman Du uses data from Forbes...
GDP: Gross domestic product OOP: Out-of-pocket CHEs: Catastrophic health expenditures IDL: Iran drug list ATC: Anatomical therapeutic chemical GOLD: Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease DDD: Defined daily dose IHIO: Iran Health Insurance Organization SSO: Social Security...
Bangladesh, a developing country with annual growth of 8.3% Gross domestic product (GDP), is not an exception. In Bangladesh, more than eight people are reported to die in road crashes every day. Based on official crash records of the year 2016, 3412 people were reported to be fatally ...
The first one includes two country-level variables, GDP per capita and regulatory quality, and the individual-level control variables. The second and third models include all the individual-level variables. The difference lies in the country-level determinants. Model 2 includes LGDP pc and ...