Provides a list of all the 257 countries with their country dialling codes. Gives additonal information about population, economy, capitals, animals and more...
Find the international dialing code or time zone for any country. Online tool will instantly show you ALL telephone prefixes needed to call from one area code to another. Add the tool to your own site for quick access.
Find your dialling code in Switzerland: We’ve listed all the codes for Switzerland here for your convenience, whether you’re with Rebtel or just looking to make an international call. Please find all the Switzerland phone codes you could need below....
When dialling from another country, include the 0 prefix with the area code. For example, to call a number in Rome 06XXXXXXX from the UK from overseas: Dial the international call prefix (00/+), then the Italian country code (48), and finally the subscriber number (include the leading 0...
To connect internationally fromIsraelyou can use either the default 00 exit code or pick your carrier by using itscarrier code. Dial 8, wait for a dial tone, then dial 10. When dialling between Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda use exit codes 005 for dialing to Kenya, 007 for Tanzania and 006...
aAll mobile phones are assigned a unique 15 digit IMEI code upon production. Below you can check all known information regarding manufacturer, model type, and country of approval of a handset. 所有移动电话被分配一个独特的15数字IMEI代码在生产。 在您之下能检查所有已知情报关于制造商、式样手机的认同...