4.4 Notwithstanding Clause 4.2, you may quote from or paraphrase extracts of the Content to the extent permitted and strictly in accordance with any applicable Specific Terms, or as otherwise permitted by law, on the condition that appropriate source and copyright attribution is given in each case...
();echo$egypt->getLanguages();// Get country emoji // Get country flagecho$egypt->getEmoji();echo$egypt->getFlag();// Get all countries // Get countries with where condition (continent: Oceania)$countries=countries();$whereCountries= \Rinvex\Country\CountryLoader::where('geo.continent',...
Controlling for pre-intervention perceptions of the reality consensus, we find extremely strong support for H1a that post-intervention perceptions of the reality consensus are higher and thus more accurate in the classic scientific consensus compared to the control condition (BF+0 = 2.01 ×...
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects approximately 1 in 100 children around the world with a range of 1.09/10,000 to 436.0/10,000 [8]. The core symptoms of autism include social communication and interaction difficulties and limited repetitive patterns of ...
(care recipient variables measured based on caregiver reports). Thecaregiving contextaddressed: the length of the caregiving, caregiver health status, care recipient’s health condition, previous caregiver experience, the presence of other caregivers/paid care workers, living arrangements, intensity of ...
In private ("non-government") schools in the Northern Territory, it is now a condition of official registration that CP be explicitly rejected, according to this 2017 document [DOC] . Since it is a legal requirement that all such schools be registered, this amounts to a complete ban ...
This condition hinders the ability of the several stakeholders to respond effectively to the specific needs men and women may have in the face of disruptions cause by climate shocks such as extreme weather events. 30 Gender-responsive climate action (2022), Office of the High Commissioner for ...
We considered a possible bias that people under treatment for any disease or medical condition could be more likely to receive earlier treatment for different conditions including allergy. Therefore, a more comprehensive analysis was conducted based on insured persons from a region of Austria for which...
(2018). Health condition and risk attitude in the dutch population: an exploratory approach. Health, Risk & Society, 20, 126–146. Article Google Scholar Mata, R., Josef, A. K., & Hertwig, R. (2016). Propensity for risk taking across the life span and around the globe. ...
We show that, once we condition on whether or not the individual is working at age 50, there are to all intents and purposes no differences in the labour market trajectories of men and women, nor in the way that they are affected by public pension retirement ages. We can also go on ...