USA Country Code used for long distance calling. Instantly see ALL USA area codes. Country codes and Area codes for USA made easy!Akron area codes,Albany area codes,Alexandria area codes,Alexandria area codes,All Cities in Alaska area codes,All Cities in
Country Codes, also known as Dialling Codes or Access Codes, determine the country of a phone number. For example, 001 is the country code of USA, 007 is the country code of Russia, 031 is the country code for the Netherlands, 0091 is the country code for India, etc. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST...
World country codes, city phones and mobile operator’s telephone codes - if you need to call to another country and you do not know what country code, city code or mobile operator code you need, than our site will help you! Here you will find world coun
What is the country code for US phone numbers? Well, the USA country code is 1. The code allows you to call the US from outside of the USA. A country code comprises 1 or 2 digits. One needs to dial the country code after the exit code. For example “001”+”1” ...
Reverse country code lookupBasic international dialing instructionsFrom the USA/Canada:For calls to most countries dial the following: 011 - Country code - National subscriber number For calls to countries within the North American Numbering Plan dial: 1 - National subscriber number , same as ...
Force(Joule/Meter, Centinewton...) Pressure(Decibar, Inch of air...) Astronomical(Miles, Light-Year...) Country/City Maps Statistics Country Profile Rank Order Flags of the World Domains Extension Ascii/Codepage Web Colors Speed Test
A complete and easy to use list of Country Codes : International Phone and Dialing Codes, ISO Codes and more useful codes information.
If you wish for example to call United Kingdom, change the first 0 of the phone number by the area code 0044 and then the entire phone number. It is important to know that each city has its own area code. So, to dial correctely a phone number : ...
Find the international dialing code or time zone for any country. Online tool will instantly show you ALL telephone prefixes needed to call from one area code to another. Add the tool to your own site for quick access.
Next, click on the drop-down for theArea Codeof the city or area you want to call and then you'll just need the phone number you're calling. If you can't find the exact city, look for the nearest one in the drop-down.