Sweden 瑞典 SE 46 -7 Switzerland 瑞士 CH 41 -7 Syria 叙利亚 SY 963 -6 Taiwan 台湾省 TW 886 0 Tajikstan 塔吉克斯坦 TJ 992 -5 Tanzania 坦桑尼亚 TZ 255 -5 Thailand 泰国 TH 66 -1 Togo 多哥 TG 228 -8 Tonga 汤加 TO 676 +4 Trinidad and Tobago 特立尼达和多巴哥 TT 1809 -12 Tunisia 突...
Area Code will be unified into “731” in Changsha, Xiangtan & Zhuzhou, Hunan Province, China. With effective from 27th June, 2009, the area codes of Changsha, Xiangtan & Zhuzhou will be unified into “731”. The numbering plan in Changsha will be upgraded to 8-digit by adding the ...
1、国别地区代码表(COUNTRY)国别代码中文国名英文国名优/普税率标记100亚洲Asia101阿富汗AfghanistanH102巴林BahrianL103孟加拉国BangladeshL104不丹BhutanH105文莱BruneiM106缅甸MyanmarL107柬埔寨CambodiaL108塞浦路斯CyprusL109朝鲜Korea,DPRL110香港Hong KongL111印度IndiaL112印度尼西亚IndonesiaL113伊朗IranL114伊拉克IraqL115...
Area Code will be unified into “731” in Changsha, Xiangtan & Zhuzhou, Hunan Province, China. With effective from 27th June, 2009, the area codes of Changsha, Xiangtan & Zhuzhou will be unified into “731”. The numbering plan in Changsha will be upgraded to 8-digit by adding the ...
public static final CountryIsoCode ALBANIA ALGERIA public static final CountryIsoCode ALGERIA AMERICAN_SAMOA public static final CountryIsoCode AMERICAN_SAMOA ANDORRA public static final CountryIsoCode ANDORRA ANGOLA public static final CountryIsoCode ANGOLA ANGUILLA...
Below the tool, you’ll find an up-to-date list of international calling codes and time zones, as well as other tips to help you make international phone calls. International Country Code Search, Choose: The country you are calling from: ...
public static final CountryPhoneCode ANTIGUA_AND_BARBUDA ARGENTINA public static final CountryPhoneCode ARGENTINA ARMENIA public static final CountryPhoneCode ARMENIA ARUBA public static final CountryPhoneCode ARUBA ASCENSION_ISLAND public static final CountryPhoneCode ASCENSION_ISLAND AUSTRALIA...
public static final CountryIsoCode ALBANIA ALGERIA public static final CountryIsoCode ALGERIA AMERICAN_SAMOA public static final CountryIsoCode AMERICAN_SAMOA ANDORRA public static final CountryIsoCode ANDORRA ANGOLA public static final CountryIsoCode ANGOLA ANGUILLA...
public static final CountryIsoCode ALBANIA ALGERIA public static final CountryIsoCode ALGERIA AMERICAN_SAMOA public static final CountryIsoCode AMERICAN_SAMOA ANDORRA public static final CountryIsoCode ANDORRA ANGOLA public static final CountryIsoCode ANGOLA ANGUILLA...