Moldova Republic of 摩尔多瓦 MD 373 -5 Monaco 摩纳哥 MC 377 -7 Mongolia 蒙古 MN 976 0 Montserrat Is 蒙特塞拉特岛 MS 1664 -12 Morocco 摩洛哥 MA 212 -6 Mozambique 莫桑比克 MZ 258 -6 Namibia 纳米比亚 NA 264 -7 Nauru 瑙鲁 NR 674 +4 Nepal 尼泊尔 NP 977 -2.3 Netheriands Antilles 荷属安...
Below the tool, you’ll find an up-to-date list of international calling codes and time zones, as well as other tips to help you make international phone calls. International Country Code Search, Choose: The country you are calling from: The country you are calling to: You Dial: Internati...
static final CountryIsoCode NEPAL static final CountryIsoCode NETHERLANDS static final CountryIsoCode NEW_CALEDONIA static final CountryIsoCode NEW_ZEALAND static final CountryIsoCode NICARAGUA static final CountryIsoCode NIGER static final CountryIsoCode NIGERIA static final CountryI...
static final CountryIsoCode NEPAL static final CountryIsoCode NETHERLANDS static final CountryIsoCode NEW_CALEDONIA static final CountryIsoCode NEW_ZEALAND static final CountryIsoCode NICARAGUA static final CountryIsoCode NIGER static final CountryIsoCode NIGERIA static final Countr...
public static final CountryIsoCode ANGOLA ANGUILLA public static final CountryIsoCode ANGUILLA ANTARCTICA public static final CountryIsoCode ANTARCTICA ANTIGUA_AND_BARBUDA public static final CountryIsoCode ANTIGUA_AND_BARBUDA ARGENTINA public static final CountryIsoCode ARGENTINA ARMENIA...
public static final CountryIsoCode ANGOLA ANGUILLA public static final CountryIsoCode ANGUILLA ANTARCTICA public static final CountryIsoCode ANTARCTICA ANTIGUA_AND_BARBUDA public static final CountryIsoCode ANTIGUA_AND_BARBUDA ARGENTINA public static final CountryIsoCode ARGENTINA ARMENIA...
"country_code":"CF", "phone_code":"236" }, { "english_name":"Republic Of The Congo", "chinese_name":"刚果共和国", "country_code":"CG", "phone_code":"242" }, { "english_name":"Switzerland", "chinese_name":"瑞士", "country_code":"CH", "phone_code":"41" }, { "english...
this doesn’t mean that the corresponding top-level domain is also offered as anIDN ccTLDat the same time – as is the case with the aforementioned example of Sri Lanka. A good example of this is Germany’s.dedomain extension; although there is no alternative for the.decountry code, Germ...
Country codesare used to dial phone numbers internationally. Each country has an assigned code of its own. In order to dial an international phone call you must always use a country code before the actual subscriber telephone number. National trunk prefixesare codes used to place calls within a...
国家地区(EN)国家地区(CN)国际域名缩写电话代码时差 Afghanistan阿富汗AF930 Albania阿尔巴尼亚AL355-7 Algeria阿尔及利亚DZ213-8 Andorra安道尔共和国AD376-8 Anguilla安圭拉岛AI1264-12 Antigua and Barbuda安提瓜和巴布达AG1268-12 Argentina阿根廷AR54-11