India Country Code used for long distance calling. Instantly see ALL India area codes. Country codes and Area codes for India made easy!Agra area codes,Ahmedabad area codes,Allahabad area codes,Amristsar area codes,Asansol area codes and much more!
全球国家简码查询 - Country Code Lookup在线转换全世界多个国家和地区的二字简码互转,支持转换:中文、英文、当地国家语言、GEC (FIPS 10-4)、ISO 3166 (2字国家代码、3字国家代码、纯数字代码)、互联网代码等。 国旗emoji州区域国家、地区首府、中心城市fipsiso2iso3isoNo域名后缀 🇦🇫 Asia亚洲 South ...
1、国别地区代码表(COUNTRY)国别代码中文国名英文国名优/普税率标记100亚洲Asia101阿富汗AfghanistanH102巴林BahrianL103孟加拉国BangladeshL104不丹BhutanH105文莱BruneiM106缅甸MyanmarL107柬埔寨CambodiaL108塞浦路斯CyprusL109朝鲜Korea,DPRL110香港Hong KongL111印度IndiaL112印度尼西亚IndonesiaL113伊朗IranL114伊拉克IraqL115...
Calling India explained: 011- international prefix; dial first when calling abroad from the US or Canada 91- Country Code for India Phone Number(remove initial 0) - 10 digits example call from the United States or from Canada to a landline in Mumbai:011 91 22 ??? ??? Cell...
国家地区(EN)国家地区(CN)国际域名缩写电话代码时差 Afghanistan阿富汗AF930 Albania阿尔巴尼亚AL355-7 Algeria阿尔及利亚DZ213-8 Andorra安道尔共和国AD376-8 Anguilla安圭拉岛AI1264-12 Antigua and Barbuda安提瓜和巴布达AG1268-12 Argentina阿根廷AR54-11
国家代号(CountryCode)与区号 Countries and Regions国家或地区国际域名缩写电话代码时差 Angola安哥拉AO244-7 Afghanistan阿富汗AF930 Albania阿尔巴尼亚AL355-7 Algeria阿尔及利亚DZ213-8 Andorra安道尔共和国AD376-8 Anguilla安圭拉岛AI1264-12 Antigua and Barbuda安提瓜和巴布达AG1268-12 ...
Area Code will be unified into “731” in Changsha, Xiangtan & Zhuzhou, Hunan Province, China. With effective from 27th June, 2009, the area codes of Changsha, Xiangtan & Zhuzhou will be unified into “731”. The numbering plan in Changsha will be upgraded to 8-digit by adding the ...
Area Code will be unified into “731” in Changsha, Xiangtan & Zhuzhou, Hunan Province, China. With effective from 27th June, 2009, the area codes of Changsha, Xiangtan & Zhuzhou will be unified into “731”. The numbering plan in Changsha will be upgraded to 8-digit by adding the ...
India 印度 IN 91 -2.3 Indonesia 印度尼西亚 ID 62 -0.3 Iran 伊朗 IR 98 -4.3 Iraq 伊拉克 IQ 964 -5 Ireland 爱尔兰 IE 353 -4.3 Israel 以色列 IL 972 -6 Italy 意大利 IT 39 -7 Ivory Coast 科特迪瓦 225 -6 Jamaica 牙买加 JM 1876 -12 Japan 日本 JP 81 +1 Jordan 约旦 JO 962 -6 Kampu...
countrycode国家代码.doc,Countries and Regions 国家或地区 国际域名缩写 电话代码 时差 Angola 安哥拉 AO 244 -7 Afghanistan 阿富汗 AF 93 0 Albania 阿尔巴尼亚 AL 355 -7 Algeria 阿尔及利亚 DZ 213 -8 Andorra 安道尔共和国 AD 376 -8 Anguilla 安圭拉岛 AI 1264 -12