Subdivision of country code MN in the ISO 3166-2 standard may be found here.For the list of all the codes and country names see List of Country Codes For more information about Mongolia see Mongolia on Wikipedia "Country Code MN Stands for Mongolia according to ISO 3166" is tagged with:...
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Country Code MMR Country code MMR is the entry forMyanmarin ISO 3166 standard. Alpha-2 country code for Myanmar isMM. More three-letter country codes Facts:
IBAN Format example Select a country, and we’ll display an IBAN example for you. Select Country NO – 挪威 View IBAN Format What is an IBAN number? The IBAN code stands for International Bank Account Number, a unique set of characters made up of up to 34 letters and numbers that helps...
But as it stands now, it just feels weak.What is also a bit of a surprise, and only seems to appear as the film concludes, is the music. It is not so obvious at first, but the majority of the film is audibly shown with just the sounds the characters make and no background music...
The International Call Prefix is also known by IDD code (which stands for International Direct Dial code) or international dial-out code. Since having to use different international prefixes for different countries, most operators have implemented a work-around, when dialling a ‘+’, the operator...
Updated list of country codes. Alpha-2, alpha-3 code character alphabetic and 3 digit Numeric code ISO 3166 codes for each country.
[translate] aheatedrear heatedrear[translate] aIt is a building.It stands for a country.It is whit 它是大厦。它代表国家。它是丝毫[translate]
Code Folders and files Latest commit Tanathy Update e34bf63· Sep 25, 2023 History7 Commits data functions Repository files navigation README OUI-lookup OUI stands for "Organizationally Unique Identifier." It's a unique identifier assigned to a manufacturer or organizatio...
How is Nepal (ISO Country code) abbreviated? NPL stands for Nepal (ISO Country code). NPL is defined as Nepal (ISO Country code) very frequently.