Dominica Rep. 多米尼加共和国 DO 1890 -13 Ecuador 厄瓜多尔 EC 593 -13 Egypt 埃及 EG 20 -6 EI Salvador 萨尔瓦多 SV 503 -14 Estonia 爱沙尼亚 EE 372 -5 Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亚 ET 251 -5 Fiji 斐济 FJ 679 +4 Finland 芬兰 FI 358 -6 France 法国 FR 33 -8 French Guiana 法属圭亚那 GF 594 ...
How to Find the Right Calling Code for Every Country As lifelong world travelers, we know that calling overseas can be confusing. That’s why we’ve assembled a simpleinternational calling codestool to help you locate the right one for every country in the world. ...
public static final CountryIsoCode AMERICAN_SAMOA Country ISO code AS.ANDORRA public static final CountryIsoCode ANDORRA Country ISO code AD.ANGOLA public static final CountryIsoCode ANGOLA Country ISO code AO.ANGUILLA public static final CountryIsoCode ANGUILLA Country ISO code AI...
Egypt (country code +20)- Communication of 28.I.2009:The National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA), Cairo, announces that a new telephone numbering plan is expected to be fully applied in Egypt during March 2007.Country code:+20 International prefix: 00 National prefix: 0 •Geographic ...
static final CountryIsoCode DOMINICAN_REPUBLIC static final CountryIsoCode ECUADOR static final CountryIsoCode EGYPT static final CountryIsoCode EL_SALVADOR static final CountryIsoCode EQUATORIAL_GUINEA static final CountryIsoCode ERITREA static final CountryIsoCode ESTONIA static fi...
Egypt(countrycode+20) -Communicationof28.I.2009: TheNationalTelecomRegulatoryAuthority(NTRA),Cairo,announcesthatanewtelephonenumberingplanis expectedtobefullyappliedinEgyptduringMarch2007. Countrycode:+20 Internationalprefix:00 Nationalprefix:0 •Geographicnumbers ...
public static final CountryIsoCode ANDORRA Country ISO code AD.ANGOLA public static final CountryIsoCode ANGOLA Country ISO code AO.ANGUILLA public static final CountryIsoCode ANGUILLA Country ISO code AI.ANTARCTICA public static final CountryIsoCode ANTARCTICA Country ISO code AQ.ANTIGUA...
static final CountryIsoCode DOMINICAN_REPUBLIC static final CountryIsoCode ECUADOR static final CountryIsoCode EGYPT static final CountryIsoCode EL_SALVADOR static final CountryIsoCode EQUATORIAL_GUINEA static final CountryIsoCode ERITREA static final CountryIsoCode ESTONIA static fin...
static final CountryIsoCode DOMINICAN_REPUBLIC static final CountryIsoCode ECUADOR static final CountryIsoCode EGYPT static final CountryIsoCode EL_SALVADOR static final CountryIsoCode EQUATORIAL_GUINEA static final CountryIsoCode ERITREA static final CountryIsoCode ESTONIA static final CountryIso...
static final CountryIsoCode DOMINICAN_REPUBLIC static final CountryIsoCode ECUADOR static final CountryIsoCode EGYPT static final CountryIsoCode EL_SALVADOR static final CountryIsoCode EQUATORIAL_GUINEA static final CountryIsoCode ERITREA static final CountryIsoCode ESTONIA static final CountryIso...