country code是国家、地区代码,中国是CHN 国家(地区)名称国家(地区)代码 阿鲁巴ABW 阿富汗伊斯兰国AFG 安哥拉共和国AGO 安圭拉AIA 阿尔巴尼亚共和国ALB 安道尔公国AND 荷属安的列斯ANT 阿拉伯联合酋长国ARE 阿根廷共和国ARG 亚美尼亚共和国ARM 美属萨摩亚ASM 南极洲ATA 法属南部领土ATF 安提瓜和巴布达ATG... final class CountryIsoCode extends ExpandableStringEnum<CountryIsoCode>Defines values for country codes in ISO standard. E.g. the country code for United Kingdom is 'GB'.Field... final class CountryIsoCode extends ExpandableStringEnum<CountryIsoCode>Defines values for country codes in ISO standard. E.g. the country code for United Kingdom is 'GB'.Field... final class CountryIsoCode extends ExpandableStringEnum<CountryIsoCode>Defines values for country codes in ISO standard. E.g. the country code for United Kingdom is 'GB'.Field...
条目值 CN 国家/地区代码 Ldap-Display-Name countryCode 大小 2 个字节 更新权限 帐户所有者或域管理员 更新频率 当用户的国家/地区发生更改时。 Attribute-Id 1.2.840.113556.1.4.25 System-Id-Guid 5fd42471-1262-11d0-a060-00aa006c33ed 语法 枚举实现... final class CountryIsoCode extends ExpandableStringEnum<CountryIsoCode>Defines values for country codes in ISO standard. E.g. the country code for United Kingdom is 'GB'.Field...
The plus sign (+) used before an international telephone number can either be dialed or replaced with your country’s exit code. For example, if you are in the US and you want to call the UK number +44 7000 000 000, you can either dial the plus sign or you can replace the plus ...
| "language[_country-region[.code-page]]" | ".code-page" | "C" | "" | NULL Thelocale-nameform is a short, IETF-standardized string; for example,en-USfor English (United States) orbs-Cyrl-BAfor Bosnian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and Herzegovina). These forms are preferred...
For lists of country and region names that are supported by various Windows operating system versions, see theLanguage,Location, andLanguage tagcolumns of the table inAppendix A: Product Behaviorin [MS-LCID]: Windows Language Code Identifier (LCID) Reference. For an example of code that enumerate...
What is the country code for US phone numbers? Well, the USA country code is 1. The code allows you to call the US from outside of the USA. A country code comprises 1 or 2 digits. One needs to dial the country code after the exit code. For example “001”+”1” ...