Complete resource on dialing to the United Kingdom: country code, mobile and geographic area codes, phone number format and other helpful information
To call abroad to the US, use below two ways to dial the exit code: +1 001 2. Know the country code for the USA What is the country code for US phone numbers? Well, the USA country code is 1. The code allows you to call the US from outside of the USA. ...
Our advice: make sure you know what type of number you are calling - this website shows you what mobile phone numbers look like for most countries.If the international number you wish to call starts with a 0 (zero), you must omit this digit in most cases. The initial 0 (zero) is ...
The plus sign (+) used before an international telephone number can either be dialed or replaced with your country’s exit code. For example, if you are in the US and you want to call the UK number +44 7000 000 000, you can either dial the plus sign or you can replace the plus ...
Every country has their own Country Code (e.g. USA 1, UK 44 and NL 31). Please find the country codes of all countries in the list below. Note: North America has country code 1, however many countries are included in the country code. Some of these countries have – besides the ...
means is that the US will "maintain its historic role in authorising changes or modifications to the authoritative root zone file" - the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), which contains information on all the country code top level domains (ccTLDs), such as, say, .be, .uk or ....
Dial the international call prefix. For calls from the UK, this is 00 (or '+' from mobile phones). Dial the country code for Costa Rica - 506. Dial the number of the person/business. Landlines In Costa Rica, landline telephone numbers are eight digits long and begin with 2. ...
Dial the international call prefix. For calls from the UK, this is 00 (or '+' from mobile phones). Dial the country code for Italy - 39. Dial the number of the person/business. Area Codes and Landlines In Italy, landline numbers start with a zero. The first digits identify the land... What is Talk360? Talk360 is an affordable and reliable international calling app that you can use to call any mobile and landline number in the world. Unlike free calling services, the receiver of the call does not need...
Country Code proper (UK) a set of rules and regulations aimed at tourists visiting the countryside [..] + 添加翻译 英文- 西班牙文 词典中的“Country Code" 目前我们的字典中没有Country Code的翻译,也许你可以添加一个?确保检查自动翻译、翻译记忆库或间接翻译。 类似于 "country code" 的短语,...