AU Australia BE Belgium CA Canada CH Switzerland CN China CZ Czech Republic DE Germany DK Denmark DO Dominican Republic ES Spain 西班牙 FI Finland FR France法国 GB United Kingdom HK Hong Kong HU Hungary ID Indonesia IE Ireland 爱尔兰 IN India IT Italy JP Japan KR South Korea MO Macau MX M...
🇩🇴 Americas美洲 West Indies西印度群岛 Dominican Republic多米尼加共和国República Dominicana Santo Domingo圣多明各Santo Domingo DR DO DOM 214 .DO 🇪🇨 Americas美洲 South America南美 Ecuador厄瓜多尔共和国República del Ecuador Quito基多Quito EC EC ECU 218 .EC 🇪🇬 Africa非洲 Northern Africa北非...
DOMINICAN REPUBLICDO ECUADOREC EGYPTEG EL SALVADORSV ERITREAER ESTONIAEE ETHIOPIAET FALKLAND ISLANDSFK FAROE ISLANDSFO FIJIFJ FINLANDFI FRANCEFR FRENCH GUIANAGF FRENCH POLYNESIAPF GABONGA GAMBIAGM GEORGIAGE GERMANYDE GIBRALTARGI GREECEGR GREENLANDGL ...>>Dominican Republic (Country Codes 1-809, 1-829, and 1-849) LAST UPDATE: March 9th, 2020 Calling to the Dominican Republic Calling from: Aleading ‘1’isincludedin the international call sequence. Aleading '+'in the phone number means 'dial your country'sexit code'. ...
Dominican Republic多米尼加共和国 1-809, 1-829, 1-849 DO / DOM East Timor东帝汶 670 TL / TLS Ecuador厄瓜多尔共和国 593 EC / ECU Egypt 埃及20 EG / EGY El Salvador萨尔瓦多共和国 503 SV / SLV Equatorial Guinea赤道几内亚 240 GQ / GNQ Eritrea厄立特里亚 291 ER / ERI Estonia爱沙尼亚 372 EE ...
publicstaticreadonlyMicrosoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Fluent.Core.CountryPhoneCode DominicanRepublic; Field Value CountryPhoneCode Applies to Sản phẩmPhiên bản Azure SDK for .NETLegacy Trong bài viết này Definition Applies to...
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 多明尼加共和國 1809 EAST TIMOR 東帝汶 670 ECUADOR 厄瓜多爾 Pinchincha(Ouito) 593 2 Cotopaxi,Tangurahua, Pastaza 593 3 Chimborazo & Bolivar 593 3 Guayas (Guayaquil) 593 4 Galapagos, Los Rios, Manabi 593 5 Carchi, Esmeraldas, Imbabura, Napo 593 6 Orellana & Sucumbios...
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 多明尼加共和國 1809 EAST TIMOR 東帝汶 670 ECUADOR 厄瓜多爾 Pinchincha(Ouito) 593 2 Cotopaxi,Tangurahua, Pastaza 593 3 Chimborazo & Bolivar 593 3 Guayas (Guayaquil) 593 4 Galapagos, Los Rios, Manabi 593 5 Carchi, Esmeraldas, Imbabura, Napo 593 6 Orellana & Sucumbios...
1、国别地区代码表(COUNTRY)国别代码中文国名英文国名优/普税率标记100亚洲Asia101阿富汗AfghanistanH102巴林BahrianL103孟加拉国BangladeshL104不丹BhutanH105文莱BruneiM106缅甸MyanmarL107柬埔寨CambodiaL108塞浦路斯CyprusL109朝鲜Korea,DPRL110香港Hong KongL111印度IndiaL112印度尼西亚IndonesiaL113伊朗IranL114伊拉克IraqL115...
Top China Travel lists country area code list for checking. If you want to make an international phone calling from China to another country, this form will help you.