if you are in France and you are calling « 07911 123356 » phone number in the United Kingdom, you should add « +44 » country code before typing the phone number. This operation results in dialing +44 7921 123356. Importantly, you need to remove the first zero from the phone...
What is home country code?国家代码是什么?每个国家都有一个国家代号,文雅点说,就叫成了:国家代码 打国际长途的时候是一定用得到的!00+国家代码+区号+电话号码 例如中国的国家代码是 86 那么就是0086+区号+要拨打的电话号码 如果是手机,就不用加上区号了,就是 00+国家代码+手机号码 下面是...
United Kiongdom 英国 GB 44 -8 United States of America 美国 US 1 -13 Uruguay 乌拉圭 UY 598 -10.3 Uzbekistan 乌兹别克斯坦 UZ 233 -5 Venezuela 委内瑞拉 VE 58 -12.3 Vietnam 越南 VN 84 -1 Yemen 也门 YE 967 -5 Yugoslavia 南斯拉夫 YU 381 -7 Zimbabwe 津巴布韦 ZW 263 -6 Zaire 扎伊尔 ZR ...
Dial CodeFlagAlpha-2Name +1 🇨🇦 CA Canada +1 🇺🇸 US United States +1242 🇧🇸 BS Bahamas +1246 🇧🇧 BB Barbados +1264 🇦🇮 AI Anguilla +1268 🇦🇬 AG Antigua and Barbuda +1284 🇻🇬 VG Virgin Islands, British +1340 🇻🇮 VI Virgin Islands, U.S. +1441 ...
Country phone code +267. static final CountryPhoneCode BOUVET_ISLAND Country phone code +47. static final CountryPhoneCode BRAZIL Country phone code +55. static final CountryPhoneCode BRITISH_INDIAN_OCEAN_TERRITORY Country phone code +44. static final CountryPhoneCode BRUNEI Country phone...
The UK: +44 Mexico: +52 India: +91 China: +86 Read About:Cell Phone Options for Expats Country Code List – Alphabetical Listing by Country or Region Country, Territory, or Service AreasCountry Calling CodesTime ZoneDST Abkhazia+7 840, +7 940UTC+03:00 ...
Country phone code +267. static final CountryPhoneCode BOUVET_ISLAND Country phone code +47. static final CountryPhoneCode BRAZIL Country phone code +55. static final CountryPhoneCode BRITISH_INDIAN_OCEAN_TERRITORY Country phone code +44. static final CountryPhoneCode BRUNEI Country phone...
Country phone code +267. static final CountryPhoneCode BOUVET_ISLAND Country phone code +47. static final CountryPhoneCode BRAZIL Country phone code +55. static final CountryPhoneCode BRITISH_INDIAN_OCEAN_TERRITORY Country phone code +44. static final CountryPhoneCode BRUNEI Country ...
lo**浪荡上传36KB文件格式zipJavaScript country_code_api:此api返回有关国家代码搜索的所有国家/地区详细信息 (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分 i-book.in_Archive 2025-01-11 10:41:16 积分:1 archive 2025-01-11 10:40:43 积分:1 tsboard 2025-01-11 10:20:30 ...
The renminbi (RMB, sign: ¥; code: CNY; also CN¥, 元 and CN元) is the official currency of China (People's Republic of China). Renminbi is legal tender in mainland China, but not in Hong Kong, Taiwan, or Macau. It is issued by the People's Bank of China, the monetary auth...