Free IP2Location IP Geolocation BIN Data: Commercial IP2Location IP Geolocation BIN Data: Developer Documentation To learn more about installation, usage, and code examples, please visit the developer documentation athttps...
This list contains the airport codes of IATA airport code and ICAO airport code together with country code and region name supported in IP2Location geolocation database. - ip2location/ip2location-iata-icao
ip_toINT(10)/ Decimal(39,0)Last IP address in netblock. country_codeCHAR(2)Two-character country code based on ISO 3166. country_nameVARCHAR(64)Country name based on ISO 3166. region_nameVARCHAR(128)Region or state name. city_nameVARCHAR(128)City name. ...
ip-location-db/geolite2-country Download DatabaseTypeLicenseUpdatedIPv4IPv6IPv4-numIPv6-num GeoLite2 CountryGeoLite2 License byMaxMindTwice weeklyCSV MMDBCSV MMDBCSVCSV CSV Format ip_range_start, ip_range_end, country_code ip_range_startandip_range_endare either IP addresses, or IP addresse...
Weather Station CodeIP2Location Weather Station Code to Yahoo! WOEID, ICAO airport code and IATA code mapping data. Olson TimeZoneOlson TimeZone value for cities. Started Guide 1. Retrieve Retrieve the IP address from the networking protocol or server-side variable of web server. ...
EnhancedLocation EntityExtractionResult Entry (EmailAddress) Entry (IMAddress) Entry (PhoneNumber) Entry (PhysicalAddress) Error Errors ErrorCode ErrorCode (int) ErrorCode (ItemIndexErrorType) ErrorDescription ErrorMessage ErrorMessage (NonIndexableItemStatisticType) ErrorSubscriptionIds EventData EventDescript...
Пространствоимен: CoreLocation Сборка: Xamarin.iOS.dll Имястраны, связаннойсметкой. public virtual string Country { [Foundation.Export("country")] get; } Значениесвойства String Имяуказано, ане...
Country CodeCountry NameTotal IPsPercentage2022 Ranking2021 Ranking USUnited States1,245,065,29736.7517%11 CNChina351,406,78410.3728%22 JPJapan198,794,9155.8680%33 DEGermany136,027,6384.0153%44 GBUnited Kingdom119,423,7083.5251%55 KRRepublic of Korea114,184,4763.3705%66 ...
public static final CountryPhoneCode ALGERIA Country phone code +213.ANDORRA public static final CountryPhoneCode ANDORRA Country phone code +376.ANGOLA public static final CountryPhoneCode ANGOLA Country phone code +244.ANTARCTICA public static final CountryPhoneCode ANTARCTICA Country phone code +672....
country code for locationBarry Rowlingson