Bangladesh 孟加拉国 BD 880 -2 Barbados 巴巴多斯 BB 1246 -12 Belarus 白俄罗斯 BY 375 -6 Belgium 比利时 BE 32 -7 Belize 伯利兹 BZ 501 -14 Benin 贝宁 BJ 229 -7 Bermuda Is. 百慕大群岛 BM 1441 -12 Bolivia 玻利维亚 BO 591 -12 Botswana 博茨瓦纳 BW 267 -6 Brazil 巴西 BR 55 -11 Brunei ...
"country_code":"BA", "phone_code":"387" }, { "english_name":"Barbados", "chinese_name":"巴巴多斯", "country_code":"BB", "phone_code":"1246" }, { "english_name":"Bangladesh", "chinese_name":"孟加拉国", "country_code":"BD", "phone_code":"880" }, { "english_name":"Bel...
International Country Code Search, Choose: The country you are calling from: The country you are calling to: You Dial: International Access Code: + Country Code: + Local Phone Number Find the Best International Insurance Compare multiple quotes and coverage options Work with an insurance expert ...
Country phone code +1. static final CountryPhoneCode BAHRAIN Country phone code +973. static final CountryPhoneCode BANGLADESH Country phone code +880. static final CountryPhoneCode BARBADOS Country phone code +1. static final CountryPhoneCode BELARUS Country phone code +375. static fin...
Country phone code +1. static final CountryPhoneCode BAHRAIN Country phone code +973. static final CountryPhoneCode BANGLADESH Country phone code +880. static final CountryPhoneCode BARBADOS Country phone code +1. static final CountryPhoneCode BELARUS Country phone code +375. static fin...
国家代码是一组用来代表国家和境外领土的地理代码,由字母或数字组成,方便用于数据处理和通讯。 COUNTRY COUNTRY CODE ISO CODES Afghanistan阿富汗 93 AF / AFG Albania阿尔巴尼亚 355 AL / ALB Algeria阿尔及利…
Country phone code +1. static final CountryPhoneCode BAHRAIN Country phone code +973. static final CountryPhoneCode BANGLADESH Country phone code +880. static final CountryPhoneCode BARBADOS Country phone code +1. static final CountryPhoneCode BELARUS Country phone code +375. static...
COUNTRY CODE This is the code you need to dial IN to a country. Each country is assigned a unique country code. AREA CODE This is the code for a part of the country. It is usually a general area or a city. Some countries are not large enough to warrant their own code, so will ...
Whichcountryisthe880areacode:AsiaBangladesh Whichcountryisthe90AsiaTurkeyareacode: Whichcountryisthe91AsiaIndiaareacode: Whichcountryisthe92areacode:AsianPakistan Whichcountryisthe94areacode:Asia,SriLanka Whichcountryisthe961AsiaMaldivesareacode: 962whatisthecountrycode:AsianLebanon ...
Country phone code +1. static final CountryPhoneCode BAHRAIN Country phone code +973. static final CountryPhoneCode BANGLADESH Country phone code +880. static final CountryPhoneCode BARBADOS Country phone code +1. static final CountryPhoneCode BELARUS Country phone code +375. static fin...