Country-by-Country Reporting (CbCR) mandates Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) with over €750m in revenue to disclose operational and financial data in various jurisdictions to tax authorities. The primary aim is to prevent tax avoidance and ensure taxat
Am 01.12.2021 wurde die vom EU-Parlament am 11.11.2021 beschlossene Ergänzung der EU-Bilanzrichtlinie um ein öffentliches Country-by-Country-Reporting im EU-Amtsblatt veröffentlicht. Damit steht nun der Zeitplan für die Umsetzung durch die Mitg
“ITA”) electronically no later than the last day of the MNE Group’s reporting fiscal year which starts on or after 1 January, 2018. It will also have to file a country-by-country (“CbC”) report with the ITA by no later than 12 months after the last day of the MNE Group’s ...
TPcbc offers you the best way to do your country-by-country excel conversion and XML reporting. Save valuable time and money and get started today!
香港| 税务与商务咨询 | 2019 年 12 月 20 日 | 第 110 期 English 香港税务快讯 香港国别报告(Country-by-Country Report)本地申报已延期 考虑到香港与其他税务管辖区之间的一系列国别报告双边交换安排的讨 论仍在进行中,香港税务局(IRD)近日宣布,对于会计年度截止于 2018 年 12 月 31 ...
98d) Country-by-CountryReport... 1003. Was hat sich geändert? . . . 101C. Implikationen für Steuer-pflichtige – Forderungen anFinanzverwaltungen... 102D. Fazit: Country-by-CountryReporting – mit Augenmaß!. 103A. EinleitungDieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit den im „2014 ...
香港| 税务与商务咨询 | 2019 年 11 月 4 日 | 第 103 期 English 香港税务快讯 年末回顾:香港国别报告(Country-by- Country Report)年底申报期限临近 香港的第一个国别报告申报截止日期(即 2019 年 12 月 31 日)即将到 来,纳税人需要留意及时对国别报告申报的义务进行评估,尤其关注次...
2022 COUNTRY BY COUNTRY REPORT In this report we provide information on the business activities of IG Markets Limited and IG Index Limited in the countries in which they operate. This includes details of employee numbers, turnover, the profits generated and the tax paid in each co...
Learn about International Tax Compliance: Country-by-Country Reporting Regulations Introduced in the Cayman Islands.Conyers publishes news and insights on Bermuda, BVI and Cayman law relating to offshore corporate, litigation and private client and trust
我们是可以为您做的,可否请您简单介绍一下您的基本情况,您是英国的母公司还是子公司?我们需要简单了解一下你们集团公司的架构才可以决定是否有牵涉到Country by country report(CbC)的相关申报义务。 我们是做跨境电商的,目前刚在英国成立子公司,想要了解一下相关申报义务?