Area Code will be unified into “731” in Changsha, Xiangtan & Zhuzhou, Hunan Province, China. With effective from 27th June, 2009, the area codes of Changsha, Xiangtan & Zhuzhou will be unified into “731”. The numbering plan in Changsha will be upgraded to 8-digit by adding the ...
Instantly get the South Korea country code and South Korean area codes to help you make your international call to South Korea. Our complete resource of area & country codes will help you make your call to Seoul and other South Korean cities.
51 - Country Code for Peru phone number (remove initial 0): fixed - 8 digits, area code included cell phones - 9 digits Area codes & number examples Phone typeDialing formatOr using + Cell phone 011 51 9xx xxx xxx +51 9xx xxx xxx LandlinesDialing formatOr using + Abancay 011 ...
962whatisthecountrycode:AsianLebanon 963whatisthecountrycode:JordanAsia Whichcountryisthe964AsiaSyriaareacode: 965whatisthecountrycode:AsianIraq Whichcountryisthe966areacode:AsianKuwait. Whichcountryisthe967areacode:AsiandustinArabia Whichcountryisthe968areacode:AsianrepublicofYemen ...
国际长途国家代码表Country Code 中英文对照 LISTOFITU-TRECOMMENDATIONE.164 CountryCountry,GeographicalareaorGlobalservicecode 1AmericanSamoa1Anguilla1AntiguaandBarbuda1Bahamas(Commonwealthofthe)1Barbados1Bermuda1BritishVirginIslands1Canada1CaymanIslands1Dominica(Commonwealthof)1DominicanRepublic1Grenada1Guam1Jamaica1...
first dial 011, the U.S. exit code; next dial 51, the country code for Peru; then dial the area code (1-2 digits. See a sample calling code list below); and finally, dial the phone number (5–7 digits). If you’re dialing Peru from on the globe, you simply need to do the...
The national subscriber number comprises the area code plus local number; in many countries cell phone numbers do not use area codes. BrazilXX carrier codes: Claro - 21; Telefonica - 15; Oi - 14, 31; TIM - 41. Chile1XX carrier codes: Claro - 110, 155; Globus - 120; Telefonica del...
Instantly get the South Africa country code and South African area codes to help you make your international call to South Africa. Our complete resource of area & country codes will help you make your call to Pretoria and other South African cities.
Countrycode 1AmericanSamoa 1美属萨摩亚 1Anguilla 1安圭拉 1AntiguaandBarbuda 1安提瓜和巴布达 1Bahamas(Commonwealthofthe) 1巴哈马 1Barbados 1巴巴多斯 1Bermuda 1百慕大群岛 1BritishVirginIslands 1英属维尔京群岛 1Canada 1加拿大 1CaymanIslands 1开曼群岛 ...
City Area CodeArea CodeCall Using Calling Cards Accra Area Code 21 Call Accra for 8 ¢ / min Koforidua Area Code 81 Call Koforidua for 8 ¢ / min Kumasi Area Code 51 Call Kumasi for 8 ¢ / min Tamale Area Code 71 Call Tamale for 8 ¢ / min Ghana country code and Ghana ...