(Nation 指的是一群共享共同特征的人,包括文化、语言、历史,并且通常有一种身份认同或归属感。它代表了一个共同意识的群体。) State: The term "state" has multiple meanings depending on the context. In a general sense, a state refers to a political entity that exercises authority and governance over...
另外,像“新加坡”、“梵蒂冈”这样的国家,被称为city state(城邦国家),指这个国家就是由一座城市构成,这个 state 表明了其独立主权国家的身份。 总而言之,state 是“政治意义上”的国家,侧重强调一国之政权、政府、国家机器等政治概念,所以当你翻译...
State State在剑桥词典中的一个释义为“A countryor its government”。所以相较于前两者,State的“国家”涵义倾向于权力、政权、国家机器,指政治概念上的国家,即由政府所代表的国家。因此,“联邦”或者“联盟”独立的“州”“邦”“国家”的表达为St...
country指国家时,侧重疆土或人口, 又作“乡下”讲。state指国家时,侧重政体、政府,也可指组成国家的“州”。
那么什么是nation state呢?维基百科援引UNESCO给的定义是:a state in which a great majority shares the same culture and is conscious of it. The nation state is an ideal in which cultural boundaries match up with political ones。也即单一民族构成、主导的“民族国家”,比如日本。
而mutil-national state就是多民族国家。nationality我们一般认为表示国籍,但是这个词其实也是很模糊的,既...
State (polity), anorganized community living under a single political structure and government, sovereign orconstituent State指的是一个国家的“政府、政权”。 E.g. The state does not collect enough revenue to cover its expenditure. 该国政府入不敷出。
China is a populous country with a long history. It had splendid old civilization and made significant contribution to human race. 中国是一个历史悠久,人口众多的国家,创造了灿烂的古代文明,对人类做出了重大的贡献。2) state, 国家 的政治上的用词,即在谈论政治时用。也表示与政府组织相关。这一点,...
3、state、State 在《Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States》[4]Article 1中明确State必需具备四个标准/资格: The State as a person of international law should possess the following criteria / qualifications: a. a permanentpopulation; b. a definedterritory; c.government; and d....