These are the countries with the most Muslim population in the world 2019, listed all in descending as per the largest Muslim counties.
1.57 billion people (23% of the World population - 6.8 billion - Muslim population): Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Egypt
Here are the top 20 countries with the most UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Get inspired to visit these must-see locations!
Following is the list of countries with most natural resources: 1. RUSSIA One of the former super power of the world, Russia has the largest share of natural resources in the world. Due to its vast size, it covers most of the coal, timber and gold reservoirs. The second largest deposit ...
Some of the most popular and halal-friendly travel destinations without a doubt are located in Asia with the winners being Malaysia and Indonesia for good reasons as we will see below. This piece highlights some of the best halal holiday destinations that provide Muslim-friendly amenities and expe...
Name the landlocked countries in Northern Africa. Which country shares the longest border with Pakistan? Which countries share a land border with Vietnam? What countries border Venezuela? What country has the largest Muslim population on Earth?
The population also has a relatively slow growth rate of 0.86%. Roughly 8 out of 9 citizens are Muslim, mostly Sunni, with smaller communities of Eastern Orthodox and other Christian communities. Uzbekistan’s agriculture industry – the backbone of its economy – remains largely centered on ...
The People's Republic of Bangladesh is a densely populated South Asian country bordered by India and Myanmar. It has the eighth-largest population in the world, with about 60% of its people living in rural areas. Dhaka is the country’s capital. More on Bangladesh The 10 Most Corrupt Coun...
The island nation of Madagascar is excluded because of its distinct language and cultural heritage. The interior of Southern Africa consists of a series of undulating plateaus that cover most of South Africa, Namibia, and Botswana and extend into central Angola. Contiguous with this are uplands in...
Most of the Sahara and the transitional vegetational zones to its south (the Sahel and the western Sudan) are drained, where there is enough rainfall to support surface streams, either southward via theNiger Riversystem or inland to the Lake Chadbasinin the east. Along the better-watered Atlan...