We have a lot of taboos in India when it comes to alcohol. Which also means that there are a lot of restrictions, age and otherwise, on drinking. However, there are many countries in the world where this is not the case, there arecountries with no drinking agelimit & restriction. Coun...
Alcohol consumption is increasing, is related to rapid social and economic change, to changes in global markets and trade, and is followed by a rapid increase in alcohol problems. Yet, health and social welfare systems are not prepared to either deal with existing needs or with the greater ...
International policies on alcohol impaired driving: are legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limits in motorized countries compatible with the scientifi... (2003). International policies on alcohol impaired driving: are legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limits in motorized countries compatible ...
government data showed that over 90,000 Austrians had their driving licenses withdrawn last year with alcohol abuse being one of the major reasons for confiscation. Another survey in March showed that one in five Austrians ski after having consumed alcohol. ...
Most of the correlations were either weak or there was no correlation. Among women HCSs% (r = 0.804, p = 0.005) was moderately and significantly correlated with MPOWER score. QR was negatively correlated among women (r = − 0.60, p = 0.056) as well as men (r...
, (5) “My daily life has been filled with things that interest me.” The instruction read “Please indicate for each of the five statements which is the closest to how you have been feeling over the last two weeks”. Response options ranged from 0 (At no time) to 5 (All of the ...
With no bags, the only shoes you’re going to want to bring is whatever you’re wearing from day to day. I’m traveling with a pair ofBlundstone bootsI bought in Australia in 2006. I’ve worn these boots all over the world the past four years, from Paris to Ethiopia to the Falkla...
Those who had ever consumed alcohol but were not heavy drinkers were categorized as ‘non-heavy’ drinkers24. Levels of physical activity were assessed with the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire and were classified as low, moderate, and high based on conventional cut-offs25. Information on 11...
The good news about India for cheapskate drinkers is that a few of its regions or states have low taxes (or no taxes) on alcohol, along with very little regulation. On the eastern coast Pondicherry is one of these places, but the best place with the most variety is Goa, on the west ...
In terms of primary prevention, a reduction in excess body weight and alcohol consumption and increasing physical activity and breastfeeding may have an impact in reducing breast cancer incidence.58 However, with few established modifiable risk factors for the disease, the focus of breast cancer cont...