Raw death rates from Covid-19 increase with vaccination percentage from 0% to 50-60% and then decrease thereafter.Heavily vaccinated countries (over 60%) have twice the Covid-19 death rates of lightly vaccinated countries. The death rates are very high for partially vaccinated countries an...
Comparison of COVID-19 epidemic in BRICS countries In BRICS countries, India had the highest totally of confirmed cases with 18.76 million, followed by Brazil (14.45 million), Russia (4.81 million), and South Africa (1.58 million), while China (0.10 million) had the lowest figure as of Apri...
We fit a susceptible-exposed-infectious-recovered (SEIR)-based model with a time-varying transmission rate to the reported COVID-19 deaths for the twelve South American countries with the highest mortalities. Most of the epidemiological datasets analysed in this work are retrieved from the disease ...
The countries with the highest number of deaths are not the most affected countries when analysing the death ratio of cases and population.#COVID-19 has spread unpredictably quickly among people worldwide. In this critical situation, this paper presents a systematic analysis about the infected ...
had 24.6 per 100 000. Conversely, Italy had 59.1 COVID-19 deaths per 100 000; Belgium had 86.8 per 100 000. If the US death rates were comparable to Australia, the US would have had 187 661 fewer COVID-19 deaths (94% of reported deaths), and if comparable with Canada, 11...
In 2019, the country with the highest age-standardised death rate (ASDR) and age-standardised DALY rates was Fiji (257.4 [95% CI 210.3, 309.2]/100,000 person-years and 6884.3 [5667.8, 8214.8]/100,000 person-years, respectively), whereas the country with the lowest ASDR was Japan (2.0...
A much worse death toll in comparison with to its “lockdown” counterpart countries As to the human costs in comparison with other countries, well…all depends on how much importance, or little importance, would epidemiologists attribute to the death toll. Swed...
It is also an animal-welfare issue as a high proportion of animals are injured but not killed in the collision itself, are not always found and put to death, and therefore live on with injuries or die from the injuries sometime after the accident (Putman et al., 2011). In most cases...
Therefore, rural areas that are more prone to short supply food may have been able to better tolerate the COVID-19 pandemia, with a lower death toll. These considerations may be partly involved in lower death rates in Southern Italy compared to the Northern part....
“a measure of severity among detected cases”. Among more than 200 countries included in the international tables on Corona, Sweden is currently ranked 14th out of the 15 countries with the highest Covid-19 death rate per 1 M population. However, when CFR is ta...