Gay marriage and other LGBTQ laws: we also look at the LGBTQ laws, in particular those relating to gay marriage. We believe that if a government has pushed for progressive LGBTQ laws, this speaksvolumesabout how gay friendly that country truly is and therefore gives you a flavor of what the...
This statistic shows the top five origin counties of refugees that were admitted to Canada in 2016.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Third World n (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the less economically advanced count...
Just under 90% of overall respondents to the global survey that informs U.S. News’ Best Countries rankings agreed to some extent in 2024 with the statement, “Women should be entitled to the same rights as men.'' However, for some Scandinavian countries, agreement with the statement was no...
Plaza Venezuela. Will & Deni McIntyre / Getty ImagesGDP: $482 brillion3 Population: 28.8 million16 GDP per Capita: $15,97517 HDI: 0.69914Venezuela is a developing country.6 Venezuela is a major South American economy. It has faced high levels of inflation since the mid-2010s, as well as...
Countries Hosting the Most Refugees Life Expectancy by Country Previous1/10Next Forward Thinking Rankings United States #1 in Forward Thinking Rankings No Change in Rank from 2023 Read More The United States of America is a North American nation that is the world’s most dominant economic and...
Assessing racial equity globally is complex, involving policies, cultural attitudes and systemic issues that impact minority communities differently across regions.
Future studies might consider using samples that also include unemployed persons who are out of jobs or retired. Moreover, future research might seek to test MI for a wider range of countries (e.g., American, Asian, and African countries). In addition, exploring the sources of the non-...
fight traffickers and smugglers’ networks that benefit from people’s despair; increasing returns of those who do not have the right to stay; and enable migrants and refugees to stay closer to home rather than embark on dangerous journeys; and open up legal ways to Europe for those in need...