The role of heavy industry has been a subject of considerable controversy, both in practice — see the Indian and Soviet debates1— and in theory. Neo-classical economists distinguish betweenprojectsrather thanindustries: that is to say, their methodology tends to assume that no particular merit (...
Democratic socialism has a vision of a society and economy that is democratic, not authoritarian, in which individuals have more of a say than large corporations in how the economy is run. It is committed to finding ways to transform an economy from capitalism to socialism. As thewebsiteof t...
For example, most modern countries are nominally democracies that, in practice, require the support of wealthy donors to effectively campaign for office or influence policy. Expenditures by wealthy individuals and corporations on activities such as political campaigns, legallobbying, "socially conscious" ...
How many countries practice some form of federalism? What kind of economic system does a socialist country have? What type of government does Germany have? What countries have not signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? What kind of economy do communist countries have? What countries are...
Quizzes, practice exams & worksheets Certificate of Completion Access to instructors Create an account to get startedCreate Account About This Quiz & Worksheet About This Quiz & Worksheet This multiple-choice quiz will ask you several questions about capitalism and capitalist countries around the world...
But the developed capitalism various countries late near transnational bankruptcy legislation and the judicial practice may take our model, inspects these national transnational bankruptcy legislation the modernized way and summarizes their judicature experience, will be helpful to the Chinese trans ...
While some nation states have adopted Western ideas of democracy and capitalism, joined NATO and the European Union (EU), others have experienced significant political turmoil and setbacks (Schwartz & Winkel, Citation2016; Silova, Citation2009). With respect to youth, “the heterogenic developments...
The Committee does not possess any formal supranational supervisory authority, and its conclusions do not, and were never intended to, have legal force. Rather, it formulates broad supervisory standards and guidelines and recommends statements of best practice in the expectation that individual authoriti...
Imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism, inasmuch as it is precisely the domination of the monopolies that constitutes its economic essence. In the epoch of free competition numerous uncoordinated enterprises produced the same goods. They were the individual property of various capitalists, and...
When we look at the relationship between ICT and the SDGs from an economic perspective, it can be said that ICT would contribute to “decent work and economic growth” (SDG 8) and “industry, innovation, and infrastructure” (SDG 9) by improving productivity, creating safer work environments,...