That had repercussions in America where, back in the 1870s-1880s, Lithuanian-speaking Lithuanians, Polish-speaking Lithuanians, and Poles would often form parishes together (with Polish as the main language) but, as the Lithuanian national revival went on, Lithuanians would often break away to...
In 1937, the British and United Nations settled the disputed by partitioning the West Bank and Gaza Strip to be under Palestinian rule, and the rest being Israel under Jewish jurisdiction. However, there were populations residing within each other’s border, and the conflict continued. Over the...
and in May 1948, as British forces withdrew, Israel was born in a region with unresolved disputes over borders, security, land ownership, and other matters. Since that time, Israel has fought a number of conflicts with various Arab forces, most notably in 1948–49, 1956, 1967, 1973, 1982...