Countries now suffering from overpopulation are being forced to spend a great deal of money and attention on fertility control. This is best done by improving the maternal and child health services and by establishing family planning as an integral part of this service....
(for example, in the Urals) and, on the whole, by the cheapness of labor power owing to agrarian overpopulation. The “natural” process of the emergence of monopolies was accelerated by the policy of implanting capitalism from above, the concentration of state demand, and the direct ...
Free Essay: 6 September 2014, Rome - About 805 million people in the world, or one in nine, suffer from hunger, according to a new UN report released today...
4. In order to limit the damage and to prevent some of the suffering resulting from earthquakes, scientists are working on ways to enable accurate prediction. Special instruments are used to help people record, for example, shaking of the earth. Scientists are trying to find methods that will...
Taking into account the problem of African continent overpopulation, this indicator shows live births, the increase of which is positive given that stillbirths are the problem of many African countries. Higher number of live births may, therefore, result from medical progress or the improvement of ...