Governance is rated by theWorld Economics Governance Ratings. World Economics has gathered together key indicators to monitor country governance. These indicators includs Ease of Doing Business, Rule of Law, Press Freedom, and Political Rights and Civil Liberties. Data for each component is tra...
Primarily due to its openness in admission criteria and low-tuition nature, access to short-cycle tertiary vocational education is not very sensitive to public spending on education as a percentage of GDP, citizens’ average income (represented by GDP per capita), secondary education preparation, ...
Developing countries, identified as low- and middle-income nations, exhibit lower socioeconomic development levels than developed nations, marked by lower GDP per capita, minimal industrialization, limited technological infrastructure, and poorer living standards [50,51]. These nations face various challeng...
GDP Per Capita, PPP $61,582 GDP $2.14 trillion Population 40,097,761 Area 9,984,670 SQ.KM More on Canada America’s Largest Trading Partners Countries With the Best Health Systems The 25 Best Countries in the World Canada takes up about two-fifths of the North American continent, making...
in a given year by the total population of the country, inUS Dollars. Other aspects taken into account while measuring a country’s wealth and riches are HDI, income value and output value.Here below we are discussingTop 10 most richest countries in the world according to GDP per Capita. ...
155. Compared with the developed countries, China still has a very low per capita national income. 156. By comparison, the fertility rate in developed countries has been stable, or falling. 157. Prices at those levels could affect economic growth, particularly in less developed countries. 158....
HDI is a composite statistic of indicators of life expectancy, education, and income per capita, which ranks countries into four tiers. A very high HDI is more than 0.8, a high HDI is between 0.7 and 0.799, a medium HDI is between 0.55 and 0.699, and a low HDI is less than 0.549. ...
Find out the most polluted countries in the world in 2023. Check out which country in the world had the highest level of air pollution PM2.5. Download the IQAir AirVisual world air quality report.
The government provides many services to its citizens, and there is no income tax, although there is a corporate tax for companies. There is also a 5% value-added tax. 8. Norway GDP Per Capita: $77,808 Norway is country in Europe; the country is a Kingdom; a constitutional monarchy, ...
Find you the government and bank stance on Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. 12 Countries rated by their friendliness to crypto.