Provides a list of all the 257 countries in the world. Gives additonal information about population, economy, capitals, animals and more...
This is List of Countries of the world in alphabetical order (A to Z). There are 195 countries in the world today. Asian Countries and Capitals Map About Map: World Countries Map depicts all countries of the World Howmany Countries in the World?
世界各国名称列表(中英对照)(Listofcountriesintheworld (ChineseandEnglish)) ListofallcountriesintheworldinbothChineseandEnglish Source:translationcirclevisits:2708,addtime:2008-4-27 AFAfghanistan ALAlbania DZAlgeria ASAmericanSamoa ADAndorra AOAngola
Bahamas, The Bahrain Baker Island Balkan area, list of countries and regions Baltic States, list of countries Bangladesh Barbados Bassas da India Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island
世界所有国家及首都清单(Listofallcountriesandcapitalsin theworld) Honduras:capitalofRepublicofHonduras:Tegucigalpa; Nicaragua:capitalofRepublicofNicaragua:Managua; CostaRica:CostaRica[capitalofSanJose]:Sanjose; Panama:capitalofRepublicofPanama:PanamaCity; Caribbeanregion(13): Bahamas:capitaloftheBahamas:Nassau;...
Central America, list of countries and regions Central America and Caribbean, countries and regions Chad Chile China Christmas Island CICA - Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia - Member States and Observer States
The Ossetic language is spoken in Georgia, RussiaThis page gives answer to the question "Where do they speak Ossetic in the world?" View also countries of the world ordered by: List of TLD's Country dialling codes Population Kilometers of coastline Square kilometers of land Square...
Visit the facts about the countries, which are listed below. You can find zip files for specific countries. Additionally, you can access extended information and facts by clicking on some country names.Countries and spoken languages List of lakes in the world Mountains, peaks, hills ...
世界所有国家及首都清单(List of all countries and capitals in the world) Honduras: capital of Republic of Honduras: Tegucigalpa; Nicaragua: capital of Republic of Nicaragua: Managua; Costa Rica: Costa Rica [capital of San Jose]: San jose; Panama: capital of Republic of Panama: Panama City; ...
America's No. 3 spot in the annual U.S. News project is a high-water mark, but comes as nearly half of survey respondents see a negative global impact from a potential Trump presidency. Elliott Davis Jr.Sept. 10, 2024 Exclusive-Musk Purge Sees OPM Staffers Fired En Masse in Conferen...