Names of SomeMajor countries in the world and their capitals 世界主要国家及首府 Asia亚洲 国家country/首都(capital) 阿富汗Afghanistan/喀布尔Kabul 孟加拉国Bangladesh/达卡Dhaka 不丹Bhutan/廷布Thimphu 缅甸Burma/仰光Rangoon 柬埔寨Cambodia/金边Phnom Penh 印度India/新德里New Delhi 印度尼西亚Indonesia/雅加达Jakarta...
For example, London is the capital city of United Kingdom, while Austin is the capital city of Texas (one of the 50 U.S. states). In the table below, please see an alphabetical list of all independent nations and their capitals as well as the regions where each country is located: #...
What is considered North America? How many countries are in North America? Learn about North American countries and capitals in this important lesson.
North American Countries and Capitals - Geography Study Unit presents maps of the North America to help students learn the names and locations of the countries and their capitals. This colorful app provides a variety of activities and presents information about each country including abbreviation, high...
Central America, southernmost region of North America, lying between Mexico and South America and comprising Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Belize. It makes up most of the tapering isthmus that separates the Pacific
That's why it is called the largest division of the World ocean. The Pacific Ocean lies between the continents of Asia and Australia on the west and North America and South America on the east. There are five continents, which are touched by the Pacific Ocean viz North America, South ...
Learn the countries of Central America and their capitals with this fun and educational map puzzle. Use the free Central America map puzzle as a quiz to test your knowledge of the countries and capitals. Central America is generally considered to be part of the North American continent, however...
These countries are spread across seven continents: Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Oceania, and Antarctica. Here in this article, we have provided a list of countries with their capitals. There are a lot of questions on this topic in competitive exams. Please read this...
(7) America "Central & Caribbean" instead of Uninhabited Antarctica : (8 Nations) like Costa Rica, Panama, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti. * Currencies * Capitals Cities / Main City * Flags * The designs & Info for Kids and Adults Separate Page for All Countries and Capitals (Images / Audio )...
What are the 48 countries in the Asian continent? See the list of all Asian countries with their capitals. Learn about the regions of Asia and their unique features. Updated: 11/21/2023 Table of Contents Countries in the Asian Continent Map and Regions of Asia List of all Countries on ...