Switzerland Europe Had no standing army and remained neutral despite Hitler's apparent attempts to assassinate the leader. Vatican City Asia Remained neutral throughout the war due to its unimportance. Yemen
How many concentration camps did Hitler have? How many siblings did Sarah Boone have? How many books did Mary Wollstonecraft write? How many countries were in NATO in 2012? How many people did Irena Sendler save? How many countries have occupied Chapultepec Castle? How many books did Elizabeth...
“Hitler massacred 3 million Jews ... there's 3 million drug addicts. There are. I'd be happy to slaughter them." Duterte made this comment during a September 2016 press conference where hecompared himself to Adolf Hitler. Six million Jews were killed during the Holocaust....
A pmffle 01 mystery writing's maralhon man. By Fraser Sutherland 15 A Parrags to Canada. How an Amsrican writer returned to the land 01 his parents. By Clark Staise 17 Lament lor a Notlon. 'Lib& justioe.' argues Gsargs Granl. wnfains the seeds ol its own destrucfion By Paul ...
PresidentRodrigo Duterteof thePhilippineshas a bit of a reputation. The global community has come to know thePhilippine's 16th presidentas a man of contentious quips and often offensive quotes. But while Duterte has been the inspiration forprotest marchesagainst the death penalty ...
DuringWorld War Ithe Netherlands remained neutral, while Belgium and Luxembourg were occupied by German forces. All the Low Countries were overrun by the Germans in World War II. After the war, all three countries abandoned their policies ofneutralityand became founding members ofNATO, proceeding ...
While it took several more days for the Germans to subdue the remainingbelligerentDutch forces inZeeland, “Fortress Holland” had been conquered in the space of a week. Austrian NaziArthur Seyss-Inquartwas appointedReichskommissar(commissioner) of the occupied Netherlands. He wouldimplementa reign ...
Hostile acts of expansionism by the three countries during the 1930s sowed the seeds of world war.FascistItaly invadedEthiopiaon October 3, 1935. Imperial Japan, which had occupiedManchuria(NortheastChina) since 1931, engaged Chinese troops nearBeijingon July 7, 1937, thus launching full-scale wa...
Hostile acts of expansionism by the three countries during the 1930s sowed the seeds of world war.FascistItaly invadedEthiopiaon October 3, 1935. Imperial Japan, which had occupiedManchuria(NortheastChina) since 1931, engaged Chinese troops nearBeijingon July 7, 1937, thus launching full-scale wa...
but not because of judges. the president on may 24 warned that he would be harsh in enforcing martial law, which he declared for 60 days in his country's entire southern mindanao region after muslim extremists occupied a hospital, jail and other buildings in marawi city. mo...