Ininternationalrelations,acountrythatis aprospectivememberoftheEuropean Union. Inordertoqualifyas anaccessioncountry,astatemusthaveademocracywithamarket economy, itmustrespecthumanrights,anditmustaccepttheaimsoftheEuropeanUnion.InordertoactuallyjointheEU,atreatystatingsuchmustberatifiedbyboththeaccessioncountryand...
Possible future membership of the OPEC countries in the Energy Charter Treaty would raise the same questions as raised for the WTO, because the ECT provides for non-GATT members the application of GATT provisions, with some qualifications. Different from the GATT, however, the ECT, in Article ...
Numbering at 70 000, the Second Wave was smaller in numbers than the First Wave, it left as big a mark on Lithuanian history because many second-wavers were patriots who would have never left Lithuania in other circumstances, so they worked hard to recreate a piece of Lithuania in their ne...
This is embodied (体现)in an international treaty called the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, adopted by UNESCO in 1972. How does a place become a World Heritage Site? It takes a lot of people to decide. 1)If a country wants one of its ...
These fundamental rules of the international postal service are to be found in the Universal Postal Convention and General Regulations and have been little changed since adoption of the Bern Treaty. The first basic principle is that all member countries form “a single postal territory for the reci...