There are a couple of different metrics used to measure the top 10 largest countries in the world but we’re basing our list on the total land area rather than population. These are literally the biggest countries in the world. If you’ve felt held back by the lack of space where you ...
In 2022, India overtook China as the world's most populous country and now has almost 1.46 billion people. China now has the second-largest population in the world, still with just over 1.4 billion inhabitants, however, its population went into decline in 2023. Global population As of 2025,...
Every year, a Gallup World Poll gathers data in a number of different areas to assess what the happiest countries in the world are. TheWorld Happiness Reportis back for its 2024 edition and there have been some changes in the top 10, even if the top spot hasn’t changed now in six edi...
Meanwhile, tiny "micronations" declared by individual people usually aren't taken seriously enough to be put on the list. The closest contenders would probably beSealandand theKingdom of Papaala, but it's debatable whether those tiny "nations" really count as having a territory, population, or...
World-class museums, dramatic forts and castles, charming countryside villages and acheese-rolling competitionhave all helped theUKsneak into the top 10 most visited countries in the world. 8. China Arrivals:35.3 million KiarecentlyvisitedChina, a behemoth on the world stage in size, population an...
Whether setting up a business or working as an employee, relocating to one of the world’s richest countries can be an excellent and rewarding move to make. For expats and high-net-worth individuals, living in a country that knows how to succeed in an increasingly unstable world can be ben...
Three out of five of the most populous countries in the world are located in Asia. Ultimately the highest population growth rate is also found there, the country with the highest population growth rate is Syria. This could be due to a low infant mortality rate in Syria or the ever -...
Population 5,917,648 Area 719 SQ.KM Founded as a British trading colony in the 19th century, Singapore is a bustling metropolis in Southeast Asia and home to one of the world’s busiest ports. The vast majority of its 5.7 million citizens live on the eponymous capital island, and dozens ...
Financial Sector Assets Ranked: The Largest Sovereign Wealth Funds in the World Ranked: Automakers by U.S. Market Share Charted: The Global Mining Industry, by Market Cap Economy Mapped: Every U.S. State, Resized Based on Population Charted: Top Suppliers of Aluminum and Steel to the U.S....
Meanwhile, the UN believes that India’s population will peak somewhere in the mid 2060s, just shy of the1.7 billionmark. India’s population will not age as quickly as its neighbor. Those over the age of 65 will representless than one-fifthof the population until 2060, and their share ...