flags and names of all countries亚洲: 1阿富汗英文全称:Afghanistan英文缩写:AFG 2亚美尼亚英文全称:The Republic of Armenia英文缩写:ARM 3阿塞拜疆英文全称:The Republic of Azerbaijan英文缩写:AZE 4巴林英文全称:The Kingdom of Bahrain英文缩写:BRN 5孟加拉共和国The People's Republic of Bangladesh英文缩写:BAN...
英文缩写AND 3奥地利 The Republic of Austria 英文缩写AUT 4白俄罗斯 The Republic of Belarus英文缩写BLR 5比利时 The Kingdom of Belgium常用缩写BEL 6波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 Bosnia and Herzegovina英文缩写BIH 7保加利亚 The Republic of Bulgaria英文缩写BUL 8克罗地亚共和国 The Republic of Croatia英文缩写CRO 9...
See, the flags of all 51 independent countries of Europe represented in alphabetical order. Always up-to-date information.
Continents & countries:ISO 3166-1 alpha-2code (withalpha-2toalpha-3set), name,ISO 639-1languages, capital andISO 4217currency codes, native name, calling codes. Lists are available in JSON, CSV and SQL formats. Also, contains separate JSON files with additional countryEmojiflags data. ...
• Custom game Choose which part of the world to play with, and the game mode: flags or cards. • Atlas List of all countries of the world with the location and the flag. Useful when looking for a country or to learn new countries. • High scores Your scores in each game mode...
The programme works because everyone’s eyes are different. So in the future you won’t have to remember a number when you want to use a machine or take money out of a bank. You’ll just have to look at the machine and it will be able to tell who you are. ...
infoitems taxes 32 geometry maps 248 topology maps 248 currencies 256 countries 266 timezones 423 borders 649 flags 1,570 states 4,526 cities 7,376 timezones times 81,153Geology and topology mapsAmongst many other information you'll be able to plot country maps:...
With this amazing geo quiz app, you can not only learn about the general World geography but also but also enhance your knowledge about different world regions and countries, their flags and names. From exciting new quiz modes and multiple flag quiz styles to an appealing graphics and multi-de...
Thedatafolder contains additional data such as the countries GeoJSON outlines and flags in SVG format. Examples JSON {"name": {"common":"Austria","official":"Republic of Austria","native": {"bar": {"official":"Republik Österreich","common":"Österreich"} ...