Definition: Gender parity index for gross enrollment ratio in primary education is the ratio of girls to boys enrolled at primary level in public and private schools. Source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics ( See also:Thematic map,Time series comparison ...
Life expectancy at 65 years in Italy 2002-2023, by gender Share of elderly population in Italy 2009-2024 Aging index in Italy 2010-2024 Aging index in Italy 2023, by region Dependency ratio in Italy 2012-2024 Elderly population dependency ratio in Italy 2012-2024 ...
efficiently an economy provides jobs for people who want to work. A high ratio means that a large proportion of the population is employed. But a lower employment to population ratio can be seen as a positive sign, especially for young people, if it is caused by an increase in their ...
Similarly, the H2 statistic describes the ratio of the observed variation and the expected variance caused by sampling error42. A value of H2 > 1 indicates the presence of between-study heterogeneity42. Given that some of the analyses had more participants than others and thus had lower ...
Additionally, and in order to assess the relative improvement in the proportion of variability accounted for by one model over the other, we calculated the R² based on the likelihood ratio G² test statistic that can be regarded as analogous to comparing various regression models' R²s (...
by three subscales (passion, intimacy, commitment) of the Triangular Love Scale. Analyzing data from 9474 individuals from 45 countries, we tested for relationships with country-level predictors, namely, modernization proxies (i.e., Human Development Index, World Modernization Index, Gender Inequality...
D High-burden tuberculosis countries in the Eastern Mediterranean Region according to the World Health Organization E Target completion ratio of eight high-burden countries. In A–D the colored dashed lines parallel to the X-axis represent the tuberculosis control targets for the corresponding ...
gender differencesintrahousehold allocationtime useThis article analyses the intrahousehold allocation of time in households headed by heterosexual couples to show gender differences in childcare in Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, and Spain. Using data for the five sample countries from the European ...
It is important to note that although the groups did not differ on common matched-for variables such as age, gender ratio, and years of education (taken as a rough proxy for SES [53]), there were differences between groups on other variables such as pre-existing mental health difficulties ...
efficiently an economy provides jobs for people who want to work. A high ratio means that a large proportion of the population is employed. But a lower employment to population ratio can be seen as a positive sign, especially for young people, if it is caused by an increase in their ...