世界所有国家及首都清单(List of all countries and capitals in the world) Honduras: capital of Republic of Honduras: Tegucigalpa; Nicaragua: capital of Republic of Nicaragua: Managua; Costa Rica: Costa Rica [capital of San Jose]: San jose; Panama: capital of Republic of Panama: Panama City; ...
世界所有国家及首都清单(Listofallcountriesandcapitalsin theworld) Honduras:capitalofRepublicofHonduras:Tegucigalpa; Nicaragua:capitalofRepublicofNicaragua:Managua; CostaRica:CostaRica[capitalofSanJose]:Sanjose; Panama:capitalofRepublicofPanama:PanamaCity; Caribbeanregion(13): Bahamas:capitaloftheBahamas:Nassau;...
Names of SomeMajor countries in the world and their capitals 世界主要国家及首府 Asia亚洲 国家country/首都(capital) 阿富汗Afghanistan/喀布尔Kabul 孟加拉国Bangladesh/达卡Dhaka 不丹Bhutan/廷布Thimphu 缅甸Burma/仰光Rangoon 柬埔寨Cambodia/金边Phnom Penh 印度India/新德里New Delhi 印度尼西亚Indonesia/雅加达Jakarta...
Capitals 22個詞語 tristanfilan預覽 Words from the academic paper 20個詞語 Sten_Lang預覽 Event management and Tournament holding 20個詞語 oliver_vaks預覽 Euroopa riigid+ pealinnad 老師14個詞語 mirtel00預覽 Geo 47個詞語 annimartak4ttl預覽 2.1 Introduction to human resource management 老師6個詞語 RP...
World Map With Countries is one of the most useful equipment through which one can learn about the world and come to go deep towards the earth.
Whether you're an aspiring geographer, planning a trip across the continent, or you just want to test your knowledge of the world, this complete list of African countries and their capitals is an awesome resource.
Central America, southernmost region of North America, lying between Mexico and South America and comprising Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Belize. It makes up most of the tapering isthmus that separates the Pacific
For example, London is the capital city of United Kingdom, while Austin is the capital city of Texas (one of the 50 U.S. states). In the table below, please see an alphabetical list of all independent nations and their capitals as well as the regions where each country is located: #...
、课文全译把握课文精髓,扫除阅读障碍Countries and capitals国家和首都Simon wants to learn about foreign countries. He西蒙想了解外国。他收集了一些collected some photos. Help him write the names of the照片。帮助他在照片下面写上国家的countries under the photos.名字。CanadaFranceJapan加拿大法国日本Russiathe...
*World Map with Countries Names and Capitals.Disclaimer Close Disclaimer:All efforts have been made to make this image accurate. However Mapping Digiworld Pvt Ltd and its directors do not own any responsibility for the correctness or authenticity of the same. ...