Six seven eight nine and ten I can count one to ten With sing this song again I can learn the ten to one Listen as I sing Counting just to not as hard as Say then carefully With a ten nine eight Seven six five Four three two The last is one I can count the ten to one I tea...
I can count one to ten With sing this song again I can learn the ten to one Listen as I sing Counting just to not as hard as Say then carefully With a ten nine eight Seven six five Four three two The last is one I can count the ten to one ...
Counting To Ten 2522022-12 3 When I Was Young 1602022-12 4 Six Little Ducks 1082022-12 5 One Lonely Bird 1292022-12 6 Five Little Skunks 1182022-12 7 Old MacDonald's Letter Farm 872022-12 8 Betty Bunny 732022-12 9 Silly Alphabet Song 912022-12 10 if You Know The Sound of 1012022-...
Six seven eight nine and ten I can count one to ten With sing this song again I can learn the ten to one Listen as I sing Counting just to not as hard as Say then carefully With a ten nine eight Seven six five Four three two The last is one I can count the ten to one I tea...
Six seven eight nine and ten I can count one to ten With sing this song again I can learn the ten to one Listen as I sing Counting just to not as hard as Say then carefully With a ten nine eight Seven six five Four three two The last is one I can count the te...
11.2万 16 04:12 App Ten Little Numbers Jumping on the Bed 29.8万 15 02:17 App 【英语启蒙-1to50】Numbers Song 19.3万 42 01:47 App 数字-Counting 1 to 20 Number Songs 11.5万 2 01:18 App 【英语启蒙】Alphabet Song 5.6万 1 00:55 App 【英语启蒙】Numbers Song | Counting 1-10 Song 4.5...
Children get very excited when they start to count beyond ten and here's our own, original NurseryTracks song to help them count all the way up to one hundred! We give the little ones three cheers and a trombone fanfare for every ten numbers achieved. Enjoy. ...
【英文儿歌】英文儿歌People in My Family超简单英文儿歌Super Simple Songs 9285 0 02:03 App My Quiet Cat Animal Sounds Song for Kids 🐱 Noodle & Pals lyric 1.5万 0 02:35 App 英语启蒙儿歌:Finger family 英语儿歌全家手指歌 英文儿歌 宝宝英文儿歌 宝宝动画9 821 0 02:08 App We Wish You A...