Head out into nature and petals on the flowers you find. Take it a step further and sort them by number of petals! –Counting Flower Petals Count apple seeds. Use tally marks as visuals!Apple Seed Mathfrom ABCs to ACTs. Play to your child’s interests. For a vehicle-loving child, use...
Five for the petals of the flower I see. Six for the bees as busy as can be. Seven for the colors in the rainbow. Eight for the snails crawling so slow. Nine for the squirrels climbing up the tree. Ten for the little puppies on a running spree. ...
and kindergarten students to have fun practicing counting to 10 with these freeFingerprint Counting Printables. Thesefinger painting worksheetsare such a fun math activity for young learners that doubles as afingerprint craft. Thispreschool counting activityhas children add petals to flowers, body segment...
Fower math After counting the flower petals, children will match the flower with the correct number. I suggest having students trace the number with adry erase markerto practicewriting numberstoo. Counting 0-10 If you are looking for some more fun, engaging, hands-on, and free printable counti...