Log in Sign up Resources > Games > Math > First Grade > Skip Counting by 10s Game Skip Counting by 10s GameHelp little Eddie on a counting adventure through the Sky Lands! Help him by skip counting by 10s! Kids will solve engaging problems, learning to understand 10 as a unit and mast...
Resources > Games > Math > First Grade > Counting by 10s on Hundreds Chart Game Counting by 10s on Hundreds Chart GameIn this engaging math game, kids will practice counting by 10s using a hundreds chart. They'll learn to skip count within 1000, enhancing their number sense and place ...
Skip Counting Games: Turn skip counting into a game. You can play “skip counting hopscotch” where students hop on numbers in a sequence of 2s, 5s, or 10s drawn on the playground. This physical activity helps reinforce the concept in a fun way. Real-Life Applications: Show students how ...
In my post covering Tools for DIY Math Games I promised you another fun and easy math game you can do at home. Plus, my older son adores this math card game that practices counting by fives and tens, and wants to play it all the time. We call this math card game "fiverton," ...
This free counting game for kids lets students practice counting by 1s through 10s, depending on the student's needs. Players must skip count to complete each level and help Adventure Man beat Mr. Thief! Use this game to practice counting in a sequence.
first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, and 4th grade students. Use thisskip counting gamesto practicecounting in 2s,counting in 3s, counting in 4s, counting in 5s, counting in 6s, counting in 7s, counting in 8s, counting in 9s, counting in 10s, counting in 11s, counting in 12s, and mor...
16.Skip Counting by 2s, 5s, & 10s (Advanced). Click Image to Enlarge This online math activity is geared toward second grade and will help students become confident and proficient in advanced skip counting skills.SEE MORE 17.Skip Counting by 2s. ...
Year 1 maths Progress checks Counting in tens Counting items and making patterns Number patterns: counting in 3s Number sequences: counting in 2s, 3s, 4s, 5, 6s, 10sPrevNext Join TheSchoolRun today... ... and instantly access thousands of worksheets, activities and games for your child ...
Birthday Free Safety Materials Games Organization Misc. In the Kitchen Monthly Topics January February March April May June July August September October November December Seasonally Themed Learning Fall Winter Spring Summer Holiday Themed Learning Thanksgiving Chr...
Once you have entered your email address to get this free activity, head over to your email inbox! Click the link in your email to open the activity. This game comes in a few different versions, which makes it great for differentiation! Here are some options that you have with this game...