Counting unique words while counting duplicates as one Hi, What formula can I use to count unique values while counting duplicates as one. For example: apple, apple, apple, banana, banana, orange, plum should produce a number of 4. Thank ...Show More Excel Formulas and Fun...
In the past, I've copied the names into a new column, removed the duplicates, and then used the countif function to count how many times that name showed in the original data set. I then did a second countif function to show how many times 1, 2, or 3 showed (including...
Method 2: Using Kutools for Excel with clicks Method 1: Using formula combined LEN and SUBSTITUTE functions Count specific character with case sensitivity in a cell For example, to count the number of character "s" in cell A2, please use the below formula and press Enter key: =LEN(A2)-LE...
My kludge consists of an additional column that allows you to find your duplicates. Ignore it and the rest of your data is unsullied. Who can tell when Apple fixes this bug. Maybe you will be content to wait. quinn Reply User profile for user: stfflspl stfflspl Author User level: ...
Press Enter on your keyboard. The function will return 28, which means 28 entries are unique out of 33 entries. This is all about that how we can count the unique entries & thus avoiding any duplicates in a range in Microsoft Excel 2010 and 2013....
That's exactly what I was looking for, and it works if it's just the one column, though I see it doesn't make as much sense out of context though. There are a bunch of columns like this, and other data points too. So splitting into rows duplicates the rows of t...
Deletion of the duplicates in Excel file using Powershell Delimiter with import-csv Desired State Configuration (DSC) Resource fails Detect "Obtain DNS server address automatically" set Detect if BitLocker Protection Status is 0, enable Detect if variable has been previously declared? Detect integrated...
Finding Duplicates with DISTINCT and HAVING Finding last occurrence of a space in a string Finding spaces in a string Finding the second space in a string First 3 columns data of a table without specifying the column names - SQL Server First and Last day of previous month from getdate() Fi...
Excel 3 Replies Twifoo replied toJohanna Reilly Apr 01 201907:20 AM For example, what results do you expect to be returned by the formula in Column C? Johanna Reilly replied toTwifoo Apr 01 201907:24 AM I just want to find the total number of people who have a change of city...
Hello! I have a spreadsheet with over 1,000 rows that contain names of registrants along with other data. I want to know how many times the person...