Example 2 – Add Ampersand (&) with the COUNTIF Function to Count Cells Greater than 0 (Zero) Steps: Use the following formula inCell F13: =COUNTIF(D5:D19,">"&0) PressEnter. We’re usingAmpersand(&)afterDouble-Quotesto join the“Greater Than”criteria with0. Read More:Excel COUNTIF...
=COUNTIF(D4:D13,">20000")-COUNTIF(D4:D13,">=156789") Both COUNTIF functions check how many numbers are greater than a specific value. By subtracting the counts, we get a count of numbers between those values. You’ll get the count of numbers within the range. Example 17 – Multip...
EXCEL COUNTIF 函数 - 计算非空白、大于/小于或包含特定值的单元格 在处理 Excel 工作表时,计算单元格的数量,例如计算空白或非空白单元格、大于或小于给定值的单元格或包含特定文本的单元格可能是大多数人的常见任务。我们。 要处理这些计算,Excel 中的 COUNTIF 函数可能会帮您一个忙。...
COUNTBLANK(…): Finally, the COUNTBLANK counts the number of cells in the filtered array that are blank. COUNTIF IF Greater Than 0–COUNT IF Less Than–COUNTIF Cell is Not Blank–COUNTIF Not Equal To–COUNTIF OR–COUNTIFS Between Two Numbers...
Count if greater than=COUNTIF(A2:A10,">5")Count cells where value is greater than 5. Count if less than=COUNTIF(A2:A10,"<5")Count cells with values less than 5. Count if equal to=COUNTIF(A2:A10,"=5")Count cells where value is equal to 5. ...
criteria – A string containing the criteria. Example “>0” More Examples: First let’s look at an easy COUNTIF example: COUNTIF Greater than Zero This code will count all cells that are greater than zero in column A. =countif(a4:a10,">0") ...
Read Also –COUNTIF Less Than/COUNTIF Greater than 0/OR Logic in COUNTIF Problem You Might Face While Counting the Non-Blank Cells There might be a situation where you have a range of cells with a cell or multiple cells with space as a value that looks like a blank cell. It is wher...
COUNTIF less than, greater than, equal to, or not equal to with formulas To use a formula to count cells with values that are less than, greater than, equal to, or not equal to a specific value, you should make good use of Comparison Operators (<, >, =, ≠)...
Embrace the formula 'COUNTIF(range,">10")+COUNTIF(range,"")' to count cells greater than 10 and not blank, unlocking new dimensions of data analysis. Is the COUNTIF function case-sensitive? No, rejoice in the simplicity of COUNTIF, as it gracefully disregards letter case distinctions. ...
Values less than 5 "<5" =COUNTIF(A4:A13,"<5") Values equal to 5 "=5" =COUNTIF(A4:A13,"=5") Values not equal to 5 "<>5" =COUNTIF(A4:A13,"<>5") Values greater than or equal to 5 ">=5" =COUNTIF(A4:A13,">=5") Values less than or equal to 5 "<=5" =COUNTIF(...