概念 Countif函数是Excel中用于根据特定条件统计单元格数量的函数。无论是WPS还是Excel2003、Excel2007等版本都可以使用该函数进行计数操作。 语法规则 Countif函数的语法格式为:countif(range, criteria)。其中参数range表示要计算非空单元格数目的区域,而参数criteria表示定义条件的数字、表达式或文本形式。 使用方法 1....
In conclusion, the COUNTIF function in Excel is a valuable tool forconditional countingand data analysis. However, its limitation in handling multiple criteria can be a challenge. To address this, we have explored two efficient ways to use the COUNTIF function, including the use of COUNTIFS wit...
例如,criteria 可透过 32、">32"、B5、"32"、"apples"或单元格参照等来表示。范例:=COUNTIF(A:A,32)---计算A列中等於"32"的单元格个数。=COUNTIF(A:A,">32")---计算A列单元格中大於"32"的单元格个数。=COUNTIF(A:A,"apples")---计算A列中为"apples"的单元格个数。=COUNTIF(...
To match strings longer than 255 characters, use theCONCATENATE functionor the concatenate operator &. For example, =COUNTIF(A2:A5,"long string"&"another long string"). No value returned when you expect a value. Be sure to enclose thecriteriaargument in quotes. ...
在Excel 数据处理过程中,经常需要统计特定区域内非空单元格的数量,此时 COUNTIF 函数就能发挥大作用。以公式 =COUNTIF(B3:B9,"<>")为例,来深入了解其原理与应用。 一、函数语法及参数含义 COUNTIF 函数用于统计满足某个条件的单元格数量,其语法格式为 COUNTIF(range,criteria),其中: ...
Criteria 1: This argument is also mandatory that helps in setting the condition as a number, cell reference, text string, expression, or any other Excel function. The criteria determine which cells needed to be counted and expressed as 10, “<=32”, A6, “sweets”. ...
3.criteria:条件 就是这么三点! 如果还是不理解,那么接下来零壹君将为你举一个小栗子来加强理解。 如下图所示:在F1单元格中输入公式=COUNTIF(C$2:C$7,E1)再按enter回车就能得到所有男生的人数。 C$2:C$7:就是区域,E1就是我们所说的条件,COUNTIF函数括号起来,计算个数!就是这么简单。
MS Excel: COUNTIF Function (WS) In Excel, theCOUNTIFfunction counts the number of cells in a range, that meets a given criteria. The syntax for theCOUNTIFfunction is: COUNTIF( range, criteria ) rangeis the range of cells that you want to count based on thecriteria. ...
Open your Excel sheet and select the cells where you want to use the COUNTIF function Enter theCOUNTIF formulaby entering equal to “=COUNTIF(range, criteria)” For the selection of range, you can either directly select the cells from another sheet, or you can type the name of the ...
criteria:条件:代表计数条件,即部门为销售部的员工数量; K2单元格输入“销售部”,其后单元格输入=COUNTIF(A2:A14,K2),这样就可以统计出销售部的人数。 其他部门人数类似操作: 二、多条件计数函数: COUNTIFS函数 Countifs函数:是Excel中更为强大的统计函数,与Countif函数相比,Countifs函数可以根据:多个条件进行筛选和...