8. Ellis County, Texas Population Growth: 4.9% Ellis County, located in the north-central part of Texas near Dallas, saw its population increase from 212,323 people in 2022 to 222,829 in 2023. Learn more about Ellis County. Next:7. Comal County, Texas 5/14 Credit 7. Comal County, Te...
02185-North Slope Borough, AK 02188-Northwest Arctic Borough, AK 02195-Petersburg Borough, AK 02198-Prince of Wales-Hyder Census Area, AK 02220-Sitka City and Borough, AK 02230-Skagway Municipality, AK 02240-Southeast Fairbanks Census Area, AK 02275-Wrangell City and Borough, AK 02282-Yakutat ...
Meanwhile, counties in the Midwest and Northeast continued to lose population, but at slower rates than the year before. Some of the biggest losses were in counties home to large cities, including Cook County, Illinois (home of Chicago) and the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens in New York. G...
According to the National Weather Service, this devastating tornado touched down shortly after 4 p.m. near the town of Lorena in McLennan County. From there, it took a path north-northeast toward Waco, leaving destruction in its wake. The tornado's intensity and impact on Waco...
Adding to the need for more ambulances, Johnson County has a shortage of health care options. The county has only one hospital — Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Cleburne — within its boundaries that can admit patients overnight, Bailey said. This summer, the hospital...
Consider the growth presently occurring in McKenzie County, North Dakota (FIPS code = 38053) driven by the shale oil boom. In 2010 McKenzie had a population of 6,360 that had ballooned to 12,792 by 2015, according to the Vintage 2016 population estimates from the US Census Bureau, with ...
Harris County, Texas, which undergoes a major flood about every two years, has used FEMA’s buyout programs more than any other county, the researchers said. Its total of 2,190 properties is 1.5 times that for St. Charles County, Missouri, the second-biggest user. The biggest buyout year...
All the top 10 fastest-growing counties in the U.S. last year were in southern states, the census data shows, with half in Texas and the remaining in Florida, Georgia or North Carolina. A view of the beach at Palm Coast, Florida.(iStock / iStock) ...
Flagler County has expressed similar concerns regarding an email scam that demands voters to vote for a specific presidential candidate on election day. They reminded citizens that voter intimidation is illegal and to report any cases of it to the Federal Trade Commission athttps://www.ftc.gov/...
1903-02-09: Houston county created from parts of Dale and Henry counties. Alaska 1972: North Slope borough formed from Barrow, Upper Yukon, and part of Kobuk. 1975: Anchorage city and Greater Anchorage Area borough combined to form Anchorage municipality. 1986-06-02: Kobuk census area (form...