1. Turn on the Countess II FL Automated Cell Counter and install the GFP and Cy5 EVOS Light cubes.2. Install the appropriate slide holder for either the disposable or reusable slide.3. Obtain a disposable or reusable Countess slide.Protocol—culture setup and counting 1. Acquire a eukaryotic ...
Countess™ II 自动细胞计数仪 品牌名Thermofisher 产地美国 原厂型号Countess II Automated Cell Counter 原厂货号AMQAX1000 体积22.86cm*13.97cm*22.86cm 重量3.63kg 储存条件常温 规格/包装每台含必要配件,附送50块原厂细胞计数板(塑料材质) 搜索关键词细胞计数仪|细胞计数仪|全自动细胞计数仪|Countess II|LUN...
The Countess II Automated Cell Counter works in 3 simple steps: 1. Mix 10 μL of sample with 10 μL of trypan blue and pipet into a disposable Countess chamber slide. 2. Insert the slide into the instrument. 3. Press the "Count" button. ...
•Accurate—use the Countess II Automated Cell Counter to eliminate the subjectivity of manual cell counting and user-to-user variability •Fast—the Countess II Automated Cell Counter provides a total cell count, reports viability, and measures average cell size in as little as 10 seconds ...
UserManual CorporateHeadquarters InvitrogenCorporation 1600FaradayAvenue Carlsbad,CA92008 T:17606037200 F:17606026500 E:tech_support@invitrogen Forcountry-specifccontactinormationvisitourwebsiteat.invitrogen Countess ™ Automated CellCounter Catalogno.C10227 ...
原厂型号Countess II FL Automated Cell Counter 原厂货号AMQAF1000 体积22.86cm*13.97cm*22.86cm 重量3.63kg 储存条件常温 规格/包装每台含必要配件,附送50块原厂细胞计数板(塑料材质),标准配置不含光立方(用户根据需要自行选购) ...
•Accurate—use the Countess II Automated Cell Counter to eliminate the subjectivity of manual cell counting and user-to-user variability •Fast—the Countess II Automated Cell Counter provides a total cell count, reports viability, and measures average cell size in as little as 10 seconds ...
Using the reusable hemocytometer on the Countess II FL Automated Cell Counter See how to load sample into the economical Countess II Reusable Slide, place it in the slide holder, and insert it into the Countess II FL Automated Cell Counter. -:- Chan...
货号 Countess automated cell counter invitrogen Countess automated cell counter自动细胞计数器简介:美国Invitrogen公司于2009年推出全新一款Countess 全自动细胞计数仪,该仪器使用台盼蓝染色,结合精密的细胞图像分析,在30s之内即可获得精确的细胞计数结果和细胞存活率数据。同时还可测量活细胞、死细胞及总细胞的平均大小,...
“Countess II 让计数变得简单精确快速——它能告诉您死细胞和活细胞数,这一点最棒了。” 麻省理工学院(MIT)Faryal Mir “我们比较了血球计数板和 Countess II,结果总是很接近。荧光检测功能让我们可以测定转染和转导效率。当需要检测超过两种荧光时,荧光检测所需的光立方非常容易更...