Cell Counting Chamber Slide For Use With (Equipment): Countess Automated Cell Counter Quantity: 50 Slides Delivery information Standard Products- 1-2 business days for Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and provincial capitals, 2-3 business days for 2nd-tier cities, and 4 business days for ...
Countess Cell Counting Chamber Slides are conveniently packaged for use with the Countess Automated Cell Counter. Each disposable slide features two enclosed chambers. All Countess Cell Counting Chamber Slides (except Cat. No. C10283) are available with vials of trypan blue. ...
1 box of 50 Countess® Cell Counting Chamber Slides and 2 vials of Trypan blue stain (1 ml each). Each slide contains two cell counting chambers (75 mm × 25 mm × 1.8 mm; chamber depth = 100 µm). For use at room temperature under normal laboratory conditions....
Countess® Cell Counting Chamber Slides 价格: 价格电议 产品详情:货号:C10228内容及储存Contents: One box of 50 Countess Cell Counting Chamber Slides. Each slide contains two cell counti... 货号:C10228 品牌:life 保质期:6个月 是否进口:是 Countess® Cell Counting Chamber Slides相关产品报价 更...
Countess® Cell Counting Chamber Slides are pre-sterilized and individually packaged for your convenience. Each slide has two separate, enclosed chambers that can be used to count one sample in duplicate or to count two different samples.
可选附件为可重复使用计数板Countess Reusable Slide及配套适配器Reusable Slide Holder。 品名 品牌 货号 规格 描述 报价 Countess 3自动细胞计数仪 Invitrogen AMQAX2000 each Countess 3 Automated Cell Counter Instrument Includes: 1x Power Supply 1x USB Drive 1x Slide Holder 1x Boxes Chamber Slide (Reusab...
Slideport:Usedtoinserttheanalysisslidecontainingthesampleintothecounter. TheCountess™3FLAutomatedCellCounteracceptsboththedisposableCountess™CellCountingChamberSlides andtheglassCountess™3FLReusableSlidesviainterchangeable,slide-speciiccarriers.Formoreinformation,see ...
适用于(设备): Countess® Automated Cell Counter 数量.: 50 slides 内容及储存 Contents: 1 box of 50 Countess® Cell Counting Chamber Slides and 2 vials of Trypan blue stain (1 ml each). Each slide contains two cell counting chambers (75 mm × 25 mm × 1.8 mm; chamber depth = ...
位置2 Chambers/Slide 深度(公制)100 μm (Chamber) 尺寸75 x 25 x 1.8 mm;腔室深度 = 100 μm 数量1250张载玻片 Unit SizeEach 内容与储存 内容物: 25 盒 50 Countess™ 细胞计数腔室玻片(1250 片)和 1 瓶台盼蓝染色剂 (100 mL)。
The Countess 3 Automated Cell Counter works in two simple steps: Mix 10 μL of sample with 10 μL of trypan blue and pipet into a disposable or reusable Countess chamber slide. Insert the slide into the instrument. Rapid Capture and Auto-Save modes allow automated cell counting with a sing...