Definition:A ring counter is also known as SISO (serial in serial out) shift register counter, where the output of the flip flop is connected to the input of the flip flop which acts as a ring counter. The designing of the ring counter can be done by using fourD-Flip Flopswith a com...
Code Issues Pull requests basic implementation of logic structures using verilog (revising github) registers pipo d-flipflop full-adder sipo sequence-detector siso piso verilog-testbenches synchronous-counter priority-encoder jk-flipflop t-flipflop sr-flip-flop full-subtractor half-subtractor Up...
Definition:It is also known as a modified ringcounter. It is designed with a group of flip-flops, where the inverted output from the last flip-flop is connected to the input of the first flip-flop. Generally, it is implemented by using D flip-flops or JK flip-flops. It is also known...