Sett is a formidable champion that has the ability to take a lot of people by surprise with both his damage and tankiness. Sett is adaptable enough to play as a tank or a carry, depending on what the team needs. I had 53 matches with Sett, disappointingly I won 15 and lost 38. I ...
Extremists are quick to resort to epithets (racist, subversive, pervert, hate monger, nut, crackpot, degenerate, un-American, anti-semite, red, commie, nazi, kook, fink, liar, bigot, and so on) to label and condemn opponents in order to divert attention from their arguments and to disco...
All words need vowels, so be sure to stockpile as many vowels as possible so that you don’t miss a turn. If you’re limited to one vowel, you may not have a viable word option. Try matching vowels with consonants to see if any words come to mind. ...
Recommended Jinx Counter Picks and Champion Matchups. We also included Champions That Are Good With Jinx in 14.21.
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If you’re not a ‘conspiracy’ buff, you can watch the film as a fun, straight-ahead, all-action Science Fiction movie, and especially enjoy the ridiculously and deliberately elongated fight scene, though I think to do so is to miss out on something deeper and more profound. This is an...
Miss Fortune WR50.89% 112 games + 4% + 13% GD@15 161 Smolder WR44.85% 262 games + 19% + 12% + 10% GD@15 157 Ezreal WR48.07% 1994 games + 5% + 1% + 4% GD@15 129 Aphelios WR47.26% 310 games + 11% + 2% + 1% GD@15 ...
Thresh is arguably weakest during the laning phase, when supports and their Marksmen take to the bottom lane and 2v2 through the early levels. He can’t output as much damage as popular picks like Karma, Zyra, and Miss Fortune. He can’t tank like Alistar or sustain like Nami. He doesn...
immediately after installation. Furthermore, it's compatible with various models, capable of simultaneously counting data for up to 10 pachislo machines, making it easy to compare which machine is the best by directly estimating their settings. Don't miss the chance to ride the wave of fortune....
In times of an ageing population and skills shortages we can no longer afford to miss out on half the talent. More women in management positions provide a better mirror of the consumer market where women control the majority of spending decisions. More women on Boards makes for better governanc...