“Dämlich, weil sie sich nicht einfach nehmen, was ihnen zusteht. Faul, weil ihnen der stete Ringkampf um Projekte, Budgets und Personal spätestens mit Mitte 30 zu anstrengend wird, und zu politisch. Unaufrichtig, weil sie nicht zugeben, dass sie sich freiwillig ins Privatleben zurü...
Women also have to develop "a special kind of linguistic expertise in order to be viewed positively as effective leaders" (Baxter 2010: xii) and strike a tone which does not contrast uncomfortably with masculine business norms (Baxter 2010: 150). In doing so, women have to employ a ...
It should be noted that the IMTP peak force values reported in this study are lower than those reported in an excellent review of the literature by Brady et al. [42] Rather than either the male group being relatively weak, or the female group being relatively strong, it appears both ...