Accompanying the image of this item of apparel was the text: "This shirt poses an intriguing question and reminds us all that our continent's heritage goes back a lot further than 1492." The counter-commemoration clearly had not eluded commodification....
I received the item in the mail today and I tried it out. The unit displays distance, time, calories burned and number of steps. I wore it side by side along with my old pedometer I had been using for years. It is pretty compatib...
La plateforme PacketDirect (PD) appelle la fonction NdisPDQueryCounter d’un pilote miniport compatible PD pour interroger les valeurs actuelles stockées dans un objet de compteur. Note Vous devez déclarer la fonction à l’aide du type NDIS_PD_QUERY_COUNTER . Pour plus d’informations, ...
Galaxy DX94HP 10 Meter 100 Watt Am-Usb-Lsb with Echoroger Beep 25 out of 5 Stars. 2 reviews Shipping, arrives in 3+ days Report incorrect product information Customer ratings & reviews 1 out of 51 out of 5 stars 1 rating|1 review How item rating is calcul...
I am working on a queue loop that will cycle through different prompts for a menu item. I have these Prompt variables. HoldMsg1 HoldMsg2 HoldMsg3 HoldMsg4 And then I have queueLoopCount = 1 I have the queue loop incrementing by 1 at the end and then resetting to 1 when greater ...
(e.g., an item attached to/integral with a surface of the trailer110for the express purpose of being recognized by the hitch angle detecting apparatus130). Alternatively, the hitch angle detecting apparatus130can be a device that is physically mounted on a hitch component of the vehicle100and...
About this item Product details Kavara counter height table elevates industrial-chic style in such a tantalizing way. It might look naturally weatherworn, but the replicated design provides the strength and durability of modern materials. Smaller scale is ideally suited for high-style homes...