CTTOConcurrent Test and Training Operations CTTOCounter Trans-Regional Terrorist Organizations(US DoD) Copyright 1988-2018AcronymFinder.com, All rights reserved. Suggest new definition Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's ...
In an April 9 memo sent to agencies across DOD and other government entities, Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence Joseph Kernan asks for help identifying members of the senior executive service or the defense intelligence SES who might be interested in the DSS director role. Resumes should...
Austin’s strategy is aligned with these and other high-level DOD efforts, including those led by the Joint Counter-Small UAS office, which was established in 2019 to coordinate counter-UAS development, tactics and training across the military services. The strategy also closely follows the se...
Counter Intelligence/Human Intelligence Counter Intelligence/Security Countermeasures/Related Activities Counter Intelligence/Terrorism Counter Iranian Influence Counter irritant Counter irritation Counter Jumper Counter Logic Gaming Counter Man-Portable Air Defense System Counter Military Potential Counter Mobility Count...
In US in particular, manygroupssuch aspolice forcesandintelligence agencieshave developed "counter-terrorism" branches which have been criticised for profiling (and sometimes harassing)non-violent, law-abidingactivistssuch aspeacecampaigners. Their lack of oversight and close liaison with corporations have...
Defense Intelligence Agency forms ‘China mission group’ to track rival "It really shows our long-term commitment to U.S. Indo-Pacific Command and the potential fight against China," said the chief of staff. ByColin Demarest The U.S. considers China the No. 1 threat to its national...
Intelligence Community. Some equipment (or certain end users) even requires a formal authorization by the President of the United States for the transaction, and not even the DOS, DHS, DOC, DOD, DIA, or CIA can override this requirement. It is the responsibility of the manufacture and of ...
“We will probably see an uptick in espionage, primarily focused on government systems, as Iranian actors seek to gather intelligence and better understand the dynamic geopolitical environment,” John Hultquist, director of Intelligence Analysis for FireEye, says in a statement emailed to med...
Define counterair. counterair synonyms, counterair pronunciation, counterair translation, English dictionary definition of counterair. A mission that integrates offensive and defensive operations to attain and maintain a desired degree of air superiority